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The day was pretty busy. We did some more shopping, started to pack for vacation next week, and I was still debating about whether I wanted to press charges or not. I saw pros and cons to both sides. If I pressed charges, he could possibly be put in jail, but also there is always that possibility that they won't believe me and believe him, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to go through with that.

Throughout the night my mind was wandering about that, and I was unable to think of anything else. As Petunia snored next to me, I kept trying to sleep, but only to find myself back on that topic. Instead of suffering all night, I got up and grabbed my blanket, comforter, and pillow to go to Luke and Sierra's room. As I dragged my items behind me, Petunia trotted behind, confused as to where I was going but also refusing to leave my side. She had really become my best friend.

When I entered the room, I started to lay my comforter on the ground as Petunia jumped up on the bed. Sadly, she had decided to step on top of Luke, which startled him and instantly woke him up, "Amber, what are you doing?" he mumbled.

"Sleeping on the floor," I told him. "Please don't make me leave,"

"Princess, you can't sleep on the floor,"

"I have a comforter,"

"That doesn't change anything,"

"I'm not sleeping alone," I declared.

"I'll stay in your room, you stay with Sierra," he offered, about to get out of bed, but I disagreed.

"No, both of you,"

"I don't think that's a good idea,"

"But if the guy comes back you can't protect me," I whimpered, "and he'll get me again, and I don't want that to happen," I brought my blanket to my face, wiping my tears as I tried to keep it together.

"He's not going to come back," Luke reassured me.

"You don't know that,"

"I do know that," he firmly replied. "I know for a fact he will not be back or get near you again. If you want me to stay, I will,"


"I need a yes, so I know that you are certain,"

"Yes," I nodded quickly. He moved over, so I crawled onto the bed and made my way to the middle in between Petunia and Sierra as Luke laid back down.

"Try to get some rest," Luke quietly said.

"You won't leave?"

"No, I'm right here," he promised. I let my arm drape over Petunia as I held my blanket in the other, finally feeling safe enough to fall asleep. I hated that it came down to me needing someone to make sure I was safe while I slept, but there was no other choice. Sierra and Luke hadn't given me a reason not to trust them, and right now I needed people to make sure I was safe and away from danger.

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