twenty nine

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I woke up with no one in the room with me, instantly making my heart race. It wasn't mom and dad's room, but it was Ashton and Margaret's. I quickly got out of bed and made my way upstairs to mom and dad's room, but instead saw dad asleep on the couch. He had tear stained cheeks, which worried me. I wanted to wake him up, but decided against it.

Assuming mom was in our room, I went over and knocked on the door, but got no response. Quietly, I went in and saw Ashton and Margaret asleep instead. I went over to Ashton and shook his arm a couple of times, which woke him up.

"Amber? What's wrong?" he asked with a yawn.

"Where's mom?"

"She's asleep in Michael and Crystal's room,"


He sighed, "Right now Luke and Sierra are on different pages, so they needed some space," he summarized.

"They're fighting?"

"It will be worked out tomorrow,"

"Is it because of me?"

"Absolutely not," he quickly reassured me. "You did nothing wrong," I didn't say anything as he moved my hair out of my face. "What can I do?" I didn't say anything, but shrugged. "I can stay with you tonight, how about that?"

"Ok," I mumbled. He got out of bed and followed me back to his old room. It was silent as we laid there, him waiting for me to fall asleep.

"I promise, it's not your fault," he whispered.

"It feels like it,"

"No, they are not communicating, and that is there own fault," he explained. "Tomorrow you and I will go out so they can talk,"

"Ok," I mumbled.

"How are you feeling?"

"Fine," I lied.

"Bullshit," he called.

"No it's not,"


"I just don't want more fireworks,"

"I know, and we'll do our best to try to drown out the sound," he promised.

"I want mom and dad to help me, but they're fighting,"

"That doesn't change anything between you and their relationship. They will instantly put those differences aside if it means helping you,"

"I don't want to see them if they're fighting, I don't want to pick sides,"

"Then tomorrow Margaret and I will take you for breakfast, ok?"


"I won't let you be thrown into the middle of this, that's not fair," he reassured me. "Get some sleep, I'll be right here,"

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