"It's More Than That"

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Robby arrived at his father's building, last night when they saw eachother at the dojo, Johnny and Robby made up and managed to resolve at least some of their issues, but Johnny suggested that Robby should come over for breakfast to tell him some ''big news''

Robby quickly rang the doorbell as he knew Miguel's apartment was right next to Johhny's and he didn't want to be fighting his moral enemy at 8 in the morning outside an apartment complex.

Johnny opened the door and welcomed Robby inside, he fried up some bacon and gave him some rather questionable orange juice,
''Soooo....?'' Robby broke the silence and Johnny just got straight to the point
''I was thinking, how about we take a good old father-son trip to mexico''

''A bit random If I say so myself, I have things to solve here, my girlfriend for a star-''
Johnny cut off Robby
''I'm sure your little girlfriend will survive, who is she anyway?''

Robby replied almost sounding anxious for Johnny's reaction
''NICHOLS?'' Johnny shouted sounding shocked, Robby stood up
''Yeah? Nichols, well we haven't really been dating long but we went to prom together and we had a good time, I really care about her and she cares about me too''

''Robby... these things don't end well'' Johnny said quoting something Carmen had said to him
''What things?'' Robby said almost sounding annoyed
''Robby, your my son and I love you, but it's crystal clear you're only seeing the girl to get back at Miguel and Sam'' Robby looked shocked at his father's response
''Maybe that's what prom was about, but now, it's more than that''

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