"Can People Really Change?"

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"I Wish I Hadn't..." Robby looked at Tory "Hadn't what? Met him?" Robby said confused "Well yeah..." Robby understood what Tory meant "I wish I never met Johnny" Robby said sadly Tory looked at Robby realising how much they were alike "Robby?" Robby looked at Tory "How have you managed to loose two different tournaments, your wayyy stronger then Miguel or Eli, It just sucks you never got to prove it to the Valley" Robby’s smile could light up a whole room "Tory, You don't need a stupid tournament to show off, or to prove your strength to others, it's to prove your strength to yourself, It doesn't matter if your 1st place, 2nd place or whatever place, as long as you've proved to yourself that your good enough for your own standards, then that's a better All Valley victory than any Trophy can represent" Tory started to think about the whole rigging buisness "Robby, I've not been thinking straight, You were right earlier, Cobra Kai is dangerous, but so is living on the streets I mean, I have no money coming into my bank account at the moment, I need Sensei Silver's money to live a normal life" Robby started to think, he had an idea but, he didn't think Tory would be to keen on it "The LaRusso' have money..." Tory swept that idea right off the table "GET that idea right out of your head Robby!" Robby put his hands up "Woah, woah, it was just a suggestion, all I'm saying is, we do have options Tor" Tory looked at Robby with horror in her eyes "Our options are limited Robby, All I know is that the LaRusso's are not getting involved" Robby held Tory's hand "What about your dad?" Tory looked at Robby gently and the closed her eyes "What about him?" Robby slightly smiled "I mean, Tory I do have strong opinions on father's running out on their children, but that wasn't why I disliked my dad, Well, that's a whole different story... But Tory he might've changed, he might be a better man now!" Tory sarcastically laughs "Can people really change?"

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