"Could It Be Him?"

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"You are my future" Tory said wrapping her arms around Robby’s neck, Robby smiled and then said "My apartment isn't too far from here, How about we walk there and then go to sleep for a few hours, and we'll wake up early to try to go to the hospital to see Brandon" Tory nodded and Robby stood up, he put his arm out to help Tory up, and then they started walking arm on arm to Robby's home, Once they got there, Tory practically fell on to his bed from tiredness, Robby climbed under the sheets and pulled Tory into a hug, The only time Tory ever felt secure was when she was with Robby, she felt so safe in his arms, safety was a feeling Tory had lacked in her life and she was so glad she had found somebody that was able to offer her some security. The next morning, Tory woke up to the smell of fried food, she turned around and realised Robby wasn't next to her, she stood up and walked to the kitchen only to find the one and only Robby Keene standing over the frying pan with a spatula in his hand, Once Robby saw Tory he greeted her with a kiss, Robby noticed that Tory looked upset so he asked her "Hey babe, What's wrong?" Tory looked at Robby "I'm just really worried about Brandon" Robby felt stupid for not realising that was what she would be upset about "Tor, Brandon's young, he will be totally fine, I'm sure of it, I'm worried about you" Tory looked at Robby "I'm okay Robby, just going through tough times right now" Robby looked at Tory "I'm going to be here Tory, throughout the toughest times of your life and the happiest" Tory started to feel herself tear up "I am pretty short of happy memories" Robby smiled "Well I guess that's a good excuse to make some more" Tory smiled at Robby and sat down at his dining table "Robby..." Robby sat down "Yeah?" Tory bit her lip "Something weird happened last night at the dojo" Robby felt confused "Well what happened?" Tory wish she knew the answer to that question "I heard Sensei Silver talking to this other Sensei, His name was Sensei Barnes" Robby raised his eyebrows "What's weird about that?" Tory didn't know how to explain "I don't know but, there was just something off about their conversation, I remember hearing them mentioning something about a girl needing to know the truth about something" Robby looked at Tory "Yeah, that could be anybody" Tory looked down "It's just, When I first met the guy he already knew my name, I never told him it, and well, theirs something else" Robby looked at his girlfriend with curiosity in his eyes "What is it Tor?" Robby said to Tory "Do you remember i told you that my dad ran out on my mother when she was pregnant with me?" Robby looked at Tory "Yeah? What about it" Tory squinted her eyes "His second name was also Barnes" Robby tried to take Tory's mind off the topic of her dad "Tory it's probably just a coincidence, there must be so many other people with the second name Barnes, Your main priority now should be Brandon, don't waste your time thinking about the man who ran out on you before you were even born" Tory smiled "You're right" Robby put his hand on Tory's cheek and kissed her, but she couldn't help but think "Could it be him?"

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