"You're Absolutely Beautiful"

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"I'm here now" Robby looked at Tory "Why why are you sleeping here Tor?" Tory looked at Robby and burst into tears "Hey what's wrong"  Robby said comforting Tory "I don't have a home Robby, I was kicked out and now Brandon's in hospital" Robby felt pure shock enter his body "How is Brandon in hospital...?" Robby said shakily "Long story short, My landlord came into my house with two men to try get my family on the street, the men went into my mother's room ready to take her off her special medical equipment so I kicked one of them, I thought the other one was coming at me so I twisted his arm and threw him to the ground, Turns out it wasn't the other guy I done that to" Tory said wiping the tears out her eyes, Robby felt shocked, "How is he in hospital for that...?" Tory looked down "Because when I done that to him I was very angry, when i twisted his arm (thinking it was the other guy) I threw him to the ground, he must've bumped his head" Robby felt like all of his problems were just trivial in that moment, Tory had been dealing with so much while he was just adding fuel to a ridiculous rivalry "Tory Im so sorry" Robby said hugging her "What about your mother? Is she okay?" Tory nodded "She's not exactly fine, She's the same as she was before...?" Robby knew he had to do something "Hey, have you been to see them?" Robby asked calmly, Tory shook her head "No but I tried, they kicked me out of the hospital... Don't even ask it was a stupid reason" Robby knew he had to ask this question "What did your landlord do to you, are you alright" Tory rolled her eyes "That guy? He threw me on the streets that's what he did"  Robby squinted his eyes "No, I mean, Did he DO anything to you?" Tory shook her head "Thankfully, Not" Robby sighed in relief, Tory started to gently sob to herself, and when she realised she had never asked about Robby’s trip, she felt terrible "Im so sorry Robby how did Mexico go?" Robby almost didn't want to tell Tory incase she thought he was being petty "Oh, Don't worry about it, it's you I need to focus on" Tory raises her eyebrows "Something happened didn't it?" Robby looked down then nodded "My dad didn't take me on a bonding trip, he took me to Mexico to find Miguel..." Tory felt kind of surprised/kinda not surprised "I didn't know Miguel was gone" Tory said confused "Neither did I, It's a long story to tell but what happened was once we got there me and Miguel said some stuff then I ended up punching him, then I ran away, then Johnny looked for me, Some crap went down then I asked him to pick beteween me and Miguel and he chose Miguel then I got on a bus to see my beautiful girlfriend the end" Tory giggled "What kind of drama movie are you living in" Tory giggled some more, Robby was happy to see Tory giggle but at the same time he also wanted to punch her, Robby punched Tory's arm "Alright, Well we both need to blow off some steam, so why don't we spar a bit?" Robby asked with enthusiasm "Okay, just remember that I always always always beat you" Robby rolled his eyes and stood up "Let's see if you can beat me this time" Tory stood up and got into a fighting stance, Tory struck first and attempted to punch Robby's chest, Robby blocked the punch and attempted to sweep Tory's leg, Tory moved out of the way and got ready to go full on phycho mode, she started throwing random kicks which Robby struggled to block, Robby finally got the upper hand when Tory let her guard down, Robby gently pushed Tory to the ground looking into her eyes "Tory..."  Tory smiled "Yeah?" Robby smiled back "You’re absolutely beautiful"

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