"I Just Hope She's Okay..."

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Since seeing Terry Silver cheat at the tournament, Tory had felt depressed, the only thing that kept her going was seeing Robby, Tory hadn't mentioned anything about the cheating, she had other things on her mind that were much more important than an All Valley Trophy, but as she said to Robby, she wanted the trophy as a symbol, to prove that she was best at something, turns out, she wasn't, that trophy was a symbol of bribery, basically having it in her face 24/7 was more of a slap in the face rather than something to be proud of, Robby had mentioned it a couple of times, he would always ask why she didn't have it out on display, but Tory would always just say things like "I was cleaning and I moved it out of the way" or "I put it in my mother's room for her to look at" when in reality it was sitting in her wardrobe covered by old worn out clothes, Tory heard a knock at the door, she opened the door to her sniggering Landlord, who pushed his way into Tory's home, "Do you have that money yet Nichols?" Tory rolled her eyes "How much do I owe you?" Rodney smiled "500 big ones" Tory's jaw dropped "Listen, my job decreased my pay by 20%, I barely have enough money for a carton of milk never mind that amount of cash" Rodney's tone got stronger "I don't think I made myself clear, 500 AND I WANT IT NOW" Tory wasn't scared about him hurting her, as she knew she could have him begging for mercy in a second, but he has the power to throw her mother and little brother on the streets whenever he wants, so he has the higher ground "Listen 250 is the best I can do..." Rodney sniggered "Nichols, you have messed me about for months, I have hired some old friends to help take care of this situation, If I can't get that money, then you and your little family are out of here"
"Robby I need to make a confession" Johnny said sounding anxious "Your not gonna get me killed in Mexico are you?" Robby said for the 3rd time that day "What? No, it's just, aren't you wondering why I picked Mexico?" Robby looked confused "Well yeah it was a bit random, but I just figured you have your reasons" Johnny felt bad for lying to his son, but he had to end this rivalry once and for all "Listen, Robby..." "Go on Dad" Johnny squinted his eyes "Robby we are here to find Miguel!" Robby went through all 5 stages of grief in 20 seconds "Haha, Good one!" Johnny looked confused "Robby I'm being serious" Robby's jaw dropped, nobody had spoken in 5 minutes, Robby broke the silence by saying "How could you take me down to Mexico and not mention we were coming to find Miguel? Do you even have a plan?" Johnny replied by saying "Of course I do, we'll ask around if anybody has seen Miguel" Robby sarcastically rolled his eyes "That's the big plan" Robby started to think even more "So you've made me leave my girlfriend, told me we were going on a bonding trip, but in reality, We are just going to look for my moral enemy "Baisically, Yeah!" Robby started to think about Tory "I just hope she's okay..."

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