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"Sorry, what did you want to tell me" Robby smiled "Nothing..." Tory glared at him "Robby it didn't seem like nothing" Tory and Robby agreed they wouldn't lie to eachother in their relationship, but Robby just couldn't face to tell her he was going on a "bonding trip" with his father (A man she doesn't like) for god knows how long! "Oh no, it's just-" Robby looked at Tory the same way he looked at her in Terry Silver's red ferrari on prom night "It's just, I feel the same way Tory, the only thing getting me through the day is seeing you" Tory looked at Robby and hugged him tight, she gave him a kiss and told him "I should probably go to bed, I have got to get up early tomorrow" "Okay Tor, see you tomorrow night?" Tory smiled "You bet" she gave him one last kiss and went to bed. Robby decided it was time to tell his dad that he can't go to Mexico with him, it was late-ish at night so he decided to get a taxi over to Johnny's. "Dad are you home?" Johnny closed the fridge door with a beer in his hand "Hey Robz, so what about this Mexico trip?" Robby bit his lip thinking about what to say "Dad I can't go" Johnny glared at Robby, "Well of course you can go you just don't want to" "I've got too many things going on, we've only just got our relationship back on track, and your pushing me into a trip to Mexico?" Johnny looked down "It's because of that Nichols girl isn't it?" Robby stared at his dad and said nothing "That's it" Johnny said "DAD IT'S NOT HER FAULT IT'S MI-" Johnny had already got into his car and left, Johnny still had a student file sheet, and Tory's address was on it in black and white, once Johnny had got into her neighbour hood he rattled her door, Johnny knew it wasn't urgent so he wasn't gonna kick her door down, but he was going to give her a piece of his mind, Tory walked out of her room with her spiked bracelet and looked through the peephole, when she saw it was her former sensei she opened the door, knowing it was Robby's dad "What do you think your playing at, it's 10pm, my brother and mother are asleep!" Johnny looked her up and down and saw her spiked bracelet, and remembered what Sam told him about it "Look I don't want any trouble, but I want you to drop this act, I want Robby to come to Mexico with me, and I don't need his psycho of a girlfriend ruining our bonding time" Tory looked at Johnny shocked "What are you talking about, Mexico?" Johnny rolled his eyes "Oh please, drop the act, I know Robby was round here a few hours ago he told you didn't he?" Tory was so confused "NO!" "Your lying, I want you to text him now and tell him to go to Mexico, and then your gonna BREAK UP with him, your a bad influence on my son, so STAY AWAY" Tory slammed the door and burst into tears breaking down on her cold, wooden, dusty floor, Tory sobbed herself to sleep repeating "THEY'RE ALL THE SAME"

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