"It's A Deal!"

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Tory shook her brother aggressively, she looked at her mother and she knew that she had to get help Tory looked about "R-Robby...?" Tory felt around the bus stop for her phone, but she couldn't find it anywhere, Tory felt weak, She noticed a pay phone, but she didn't have any money to use it, Tory looked around the deserted street for pennies, but she couldn't find anything, Tory banged the pay phone in anger "Looking for something?" She turned around and came face to face with Sensei Terry Silver, Tory hadn't seen her Sensei since the tournament, she couldn't help but feel angry at him, but this wasn't a time or place for a show down "Oh- No Sensei-" Terry raised his eyebrows "Need a penny?" Tory sighed "Yes- Please-" Terry nodded "Sure thi-" Terry was cut off by the sight of a woman and a little boy at the bus stop "Is that your family?" Tory went quiet "I thought you lived in the apartment with the dodgy landlord?" Tory looked down "I do... Or atleast I did" Terry handed Tory the penny "Who do you wanna call?" Terry asked "Robby, but I don’t have his number" Terry smiled "Well I have his contact information in the dojo, we have a phone there" Tory wasn't sure she trusted Terry, but things couldn't get any worse "I think we better get my mother and brother to the hospital first" Terry helped Tory get her mother into the car, and Tory managed to squeeze Brandon inside, although Tory felt grateful for her Sensei helping her family, she was still fuming about The All Valley bribery, "So, Why haven't you been at the dojo recently?" Terry asked in a confused tone "I've been a bit preoccupied recently, I'm working 8 hrs a day for pretty much nothing in return, I'm broke Sensei..." Terry knew he had to step in, Tory was the face of Cobra Kai, He couldn't have his star student missing out on all of his training, "I'll pay your rent" Tory looked at her sensei confused "What?" "I'll pay your rent, but only if you fall in, I need you to come to the dojo every day, That'll be your new job" Tory felt intrigued, but still hesitant as she knew what her Sensei had done "I'll think about it..." Terry used his convincing tone "What's to think about? I'll pay for your food, rent, bills, anything you need" Tory thought about it "Do you mean it?" Terry laughed "Of course I do" Something seemed to happen in Tory's brain that made her oblivious to everything that Terry Silver done at the tournament, her main focus now was her family's safety, and if Terry can offer that, then Tory was on board "It's a deal!"

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