"I Wish I Hadn't..."

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"Balance is key" Tory rolled her eyes "Please don't give me all of that man can't stand he can't fight crap" Mike laughed "Nah, I think I'll leave that quote for Terry" Tory smiled at Mike's comment, Mike couldn't believe how beautiful his daughter was, he just wished it hadn't took him 17 years to see it, in that moment Mike couldn't stand it anymore, he had to tell his daughter the truth, she had to know who her father was "Tory, I have to tell you som-" Terry burst through the back doors of the dojo "Mike, can I have a word with you for a moment?" Mike sighed and followed Terry into the hallways "What the hell do you think your playing at, you were gonna tell her weren't you?" Mike looked down "MIKE, YOU NEED TO GET YOUR PRIORITY'S STRAIGHT" Tory didn't like listening into conversations, but she just KNEW something was going on, so she walked over to the door to listen in, Tory's mind started to wander back onto the thought she had earlier, she started to question the topic of her day again, she started to wonder if her father was Mike Barnes, But Tory quickly snapped out of her thoughts to listen to her two Sensei's arguing "TERRY I DO HAVE MY PRIORITYS STRAIGHT, MY DAUGHTER SHOULD BE MY PRIORITY, AND YOU WON'T EVENT LET ME HAVE A SECOND ALONE WITH HER" Tory fell into a shock she opened the door and looked her father in the eyes "You what now?" Tory looked at Mike, she got NO answer, she then looked at Terry, she also got no answer, Tory started to feel herself tear up, she stormed out of the hallways into Terry's office,"TORY WAIT!" Mike shouted she looked through Terry's desk and found her Sensei's car keys, she walked out of the dojo and unlocked the red ferrari that her and Robby took to prom, Tory started up the car and headed to Robby's apartment,"DO YOU SEE WHAT YOU'VE DONE?" Terry shouted, within a few minutes Tory was at Robby's door she gently knocked, and then a few seconds later, she came face to face with her one and only boyfriend Robby "Hey..." Robby said calmly, Tory took one look at Robby and then burst into tears, Tory threw her arms around Robby crying "I'm sorry Robby" Robby stroked Tory's cheek "Hey, hey, don't worry about that Tor, none of that matters now, why did you leave earlier?" Tory felt confused "Y-You told me that I had a better place to be, so I assumed you kicked me out?" Robby laughed "No babe, I meant the hospital, to go and see Brandon?" Tory felt so stupid, and them started crying even more, Robby pulled Tory down to his couch "Tor what's wrong" Tory felt so foolish for being upset, she hated showing weakness, but she just remembered the quote that her mother always told her, Crying isn't a sign of weakness, it's just a sign that you've been too strong for too long "My whole life has fallen apart, I've baisically just forgotten about the fact that my brother is practically in a coma, or atleast I've tried to, I just found out who my father is, My mother the LaRusso's it's just all getting too much, everything was supposed to get better after the tournament and it's only getting worse" Robby didn't know what to say "Tory wait a minu-" Tory interrupted Robby "I'm so sorry Robby" Robby smiled "You have nothing to be sorry for, but I have some great news for you" Tory really needed some good news for once "Go in then" Tory said wiping the tears away from her eyes "Brandon woke up, when you left I called the hospital, they told me that Brandon has been awake for about a day, he was scared so he asked for you to be there, I couldn't get a hold of you sooo, I went to see him" Tory felt tears in her eyes again, not sad one's, but happy ones "B-Brandon's awake...?" Tory smiled, Robby nodded "Brandon's awake" Tory hugged Robby tight "That's amazing Robby, I just wish I wish you could get something good in your life without something bad in return, Robby then remembered what Tory said about finding out about her dad "So, Who is he?..." Tory looked at Robby with  sadness in her eyes "It's Mike, Mike Barnes, remember I TOLD you that I thought he could've been my dad" Robby felt kind of stupid for getting it wrong "I've never met the guy, I don't think I have atleast" Tory half smiled "I wish I hadn't..."

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