"Hey You"

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Terry sat in the car with a sinister smile on his face, he picked up his phone and dialed a number, "Mike, I've managed to get Nichols back on the team, thank me later..." Terry hung up the phone as he saw Tory approach his car, Terry put his kind and sympathetic act on as she entered the car "How are they?" Tory looked down "My mother's fine..."  Terry smiled "Great, how about the little guy"  Tory sighed "He's not conscious, the doctors don't understand, I never told them about what I did..." Terry let out a fake sigh "Do you want to go back to the dojo to call Robby?" Tory nodded, about 10 minutes went by and Tory was wondering what was taking so long "Sensei shouldn't we be here by now?" Tory pointed out of the window to the original dojo "We're not going to that dojo, I've built a new one" Tory then remembered about what Terry said at the tournament "We're here" Terry hit the breaks and got out of the car, Tory climbed out and followed her Sensei, Terry looked through some files and then said "A-Ha!" Terry held up a sheet of paper "Here's Keene's contact details" Terry placed the sheet on the desk, Tory picked it up "Thanks" Terry smiled "No worries, The phone box is down the hall" Tory walked down the hall and found the phone box, A mysterious man looked at her, and then ran down the hall, she found it a bit strange, but all she could think about was talking to Robby, Mike ran to Terry Silver's office "Is that her?" Terry nodded "Yep, That's your daughter" Mike smiled "Who's she calling?" Terry sighed "Her boyfriend" Mike rolled his eyes "Can I talk to h-" Terry interrupted him "Mike I called you here to be a Sensei, when I told you about Tory you said you would only come back if she did, she's back now, and if she knows about this then she'll be gone faster than you could leave when you found out you were going to be a father!" Terry smiled "You have to keep your side of the deal Mike, Well, Only if you want to have any sort of relationship with your daughter"
Tory dialed Robby's mobile, Robby wasn't sure whether to answer it as it was a unknown number, but luckily enough, he did "Hello?" Robby said confused "Hey you"

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