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Robby finally got to the shops and got Brandon a jumbo pack of pancakes, once he gave it to him he quickly left as he didn't want to overstay his welcome. At 8pm, Robby yet again went to Tory's apartment, (as that was the time she finished work) to talk to her about Mexico but as soon as he got there, he saw Tory getting verbally harassed by an older man "Grandpa's not here to save you now, banged up in jail, it's all over the papers" Robby remembered Tory telling him about how Kreese had helped her get rid of her creepy Landlord and could only assume that's who he was talking about, he didn't have much time to think about that though, he had a girlfriend that needed some help "Yeah, well this time you have someone much more dangerous on your case now" Rodney's smile turned into a frown "Your the kid who kicked Diaz of the balcony aren't you?" Robby smiled "Yeah well that was by accident, just imagine how much more dangerous I am when I actually mean buisness" Rodney backed away "You got off easy this time Nichols, but next time it's either chi-ching or, well.. you know what's going to happen" Robby clenched his fists ready to get in a fight, Tory put her hands on his chest "The last thing i need is you getting banged up too!" Robby knew she was talking about Kreese "What's he in jail for?" "I'm not sure but it's in the valley papers apparently" Tory looked sad, but broke the silence by saying "So how about you come inside for what I actually invited you over for" Robby smiled "I'd love too" As they walked inside Tory quickly asked "Tea or Coffee" "Um... Tea, but Tory I have something serious I need to talk to you about" "Ugh same! My job has decreased my pay by 20% a week, I'm barely making enough as it is, the only thing getting me through my day is seeing you Robby" Robby knew at that time he couldn't leave Tory alone "Sorry, what did you want to tell me" Robby smiled "Nothing..."

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