"Everything Will Be Alright"

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Tory woke up at 7am to get ready for work, her body was aching from lying/sleeping on the floor all night, She usually made her makeup last for two days (then wash it off) but since her mascara was all messed up, and her foundation had been washed off by the tears, it only lasted one day. Tory wore just a little bit of lipgloss, and just left her eyes alone, she knew that at some point she would break down again and it would just be a waste of time and energy to put on mascara if it would just get ruined in a few hours. Tory unlocked her phone to check the time and noticed 10 missed calls from Robby, and about a million texts from him aswell. "Tooooorryyy" her brother shouted from the other room "What's wrong" she asked from the kitchen "Can I have some pancakes?" Tory looked confused "Brandon, we went over this, I can't afford to waste my money on treats, we don't have enough money" Brandon crossed his arms "Torrrry! That boy who came to the house a few days ago bought me a jumbo pack of pancakes, they're in the cupboard!" Tory thought for a moment "What bo-" Tory snapped back to her senses "Robby..." Brandon smiled "YEAH, The boy you kissed" Tory knew it was a nice thing to do, but in that moment, Tory felt rage hearing his name, so she grabbed the packet of pancakes and threw them in the rubbish bin "TORY! IM HUNGRY I WANTED THOSE!" Tory rolled her eyes "I'LL MAKE YOU CEREAL THEN" Brandon shouted at his sister for the first time ever "TORY ALL I EVER EAT IS CEREAL, I SPEND HOURS STARVING" Tory felt upset hearing that her brother felt so hungry "WELL BRANDON I SPEND DAYS STARVING TRYING TO FEED YOU AND MOTHER" Brandon came to a realisation at how hard her sister was struggling, he noticed she broke down in tears, so he pushed the pancake dillema aside and gave her a hug "I love you sissy.." Tory pulled together a half smile "I love you too little bro" Tory sobbed, Maybe Brandon loved her, but she could never hold down a decent relationship, where her boyfriend hasn't been a liar "Everything will be alright..."

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