"I Wish You Were Here..."

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Tory left pretty sharply after the "Quicksilver training" as she knew she had to go to the hospital to see Brandon, Tory decided she would walk up to the hospital, she didn't want to ask Terry for a ride as she didn't want to show too much weakness in front of her Sensei, she spent about 30 minutes walking, until she finally came face to face with the gigantic "West Valley Hospital" logo, She walked inside the hospital and went to the front desk "Emergency or Visiting?" The receptionist asked Tory "Uhh, Visiting, but it is an emergency, I'm here for my little brother, Brandon, Brandon Nichols" The nurse flipped through her book "Brandon, Brandon" The nurse scanned the page, Tory started to get impatient "WILL YOU JUST HURRY UP ALREADY" Tory didn't realise how much of a scene she had caused until she saw everybody staring at her "I'm sorry, I'm just a little on edge right now" The nurse sarcastically nodded "He's in Room 24E, Second floor" Tory fake smiled "t-thanks?" Tory walked away repeating to herself "Room 24E, Room 24E" Tory didn't pay attention to where she was going, and crashed into a tall teenager "Woah, better watch it blondie" Tory couldn't stand criticism "Shut the hell up junior, learn how to talk to your seniors" The boy attempted to pin Tory against a wall, but obviously, Tory wasn't having any of it, she grabbed his head and pulled him back by the ears "I don't want to see your face EVER AGAIN, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME" The boy nervously nodded until a nurse came inside on the scene "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE" Tory let go of the boy throwing him to the ground "HEY YOU, YEAH YOU, THE BLONDE GIRL, OUT!" Tory felt injustice "WAIT NO IM VISITING MY BROTH-" The nurse interrupted Tory "WELL YOU HAVE VIOLATED OUR RULES YOUNG LADY, SO GET OUT, NOW" Tory stormed out of the hospital slamming the door, Tory remembered the time she got Sam kicked out of the roller rink, She didn't like how it felt, but it was a very different situation, Tory started to think of Robby, and wondered if he was even thinking of her "I wish you were here..."

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