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"Hey..." Sam said softly, Robby and Sam stayed in silence for a moment "Your looking great" Sam added, Robby nodded "Thanks" Tory and Shannon walked over to Robby, Tory then smiled "Did you save us a table-" Tory was cut off at the sight of Samantha LaRusso, Sam looked Tory up and down, followed with a nasty eye roll, Shannon spotted Daniel and Amanda "Oh Hi" Shannon said to Amanda "Oh my god Shannon! Your looking great" Amanda and Robby's mother hugged, completely oblivious to the awkwardness in the room "We have SO much to catch up on!" Shannon said optimistically, Shannon wasn't an idiot, she knew what had went down with Robby and the LaRusso's, but she wanted Robby to let go of all of the hate in his life, Amanda responded "Yes, well, since we're both here, why don't we get a big table! Catch up a bit!" Sam tugged Amanda's sleeve giving her the 'Don't you dare look' but Amanda dismissed that look on Sam's face and turned to Shannon "That's a GREAT idea!" Shannon said looking at his son and his girlfriend, Amanda then chose the biggest table at the restraunt to sit at, Tory made sure to grab a seat next to Robby, and mumbled "Well this evening has took a INTERESTING turn" Robby nodded and looked at his mother with anger in his eyes "So have you guys ordered?" Shannon asked the LaRusso's Daniel nodded "Yeah, we're all set" Robby looked at Daniel, but he struggled to look him in the eyes, his eyes then wandered to Anthony, who he hadn't seen since at the tournament, He then looked at Tory who he could tell felt nervous, Robby took Tory's hand and held it, when Sam saw what Robby and Tory were doing, she felt nothing but jealousy, A few days ago, Sam broke up with Miguel over phone call, She couldn't forgive him for leaving her when she needed him the most, Sam and Miguel's spark had been gone for months before that though, Sam made up an excuse "I'm going to the bathroom" Sam stood up and walked away, When she noticed her parents weren't looking Sam went to the bar behind the restaurant, Sam was feeling a bit upset and she just needed to comfort herself "Hey, 2 shots of vodka" Sam said to the bartender "Can I have some ID?" Sam rolled her eyes "EXCUSE ME? I'm 24, I shouldn't need to give ID, If you don't want my buisness the I'll take it elsewhere" The bartender interrupted Sam "No no Miss, 2 shots of Vodka coming up" Sam sarcastically smiled "Pretty bold of you to assume I'm not married, I'm know as Mrs" The bartender corrected himself "I'm sorry, Mrs" He said laying the shots on the counter, Sam picked them up then drunk the two shots of vodka exceptionally quickly before her family would notice her, she then made her way back to her table with her family and well... she didn't really want to give the other guests a label, Tory saw Sam staring at her and felt uncomfortable at the way she was looking at her boyfriend, After waiting for what felt like years, the waiter came with the food, Tory just ordered a salad, as she absolutely HATED Mexican, The whole time they were eating everybody was practically silent "I'm gonna go to the bathroom again" Sam said heading for the bar "Hey, 2 more shots of vodka" Sam never really drank alcohol, so she was already a bit drunk by the two shots she already had, the bartender felt hesitant but gave her the 2 shots, Sam practically inhaled the cups, she then slightly staggered back to the table, Sam sat down and instantly took a drink of water to try and cover up the smell of vodka, she then noticed her dad was on the phone "Ugh, I'll be right there" Daniel said annoyed, he then hung up the phone "What is it" Amanda asked concerned "That was Anoush, some sort of buisness problem, I'll explain in the car, he needs us there urgent" Amanda then sighed "Well okay then" Amanda the turned to Shannon and gave her a hug "Well tonight has been great, I'm sorry It's been cut short" Shannon hugged Amanda back "Aww it's alright, another time?" Amanda nodded "Yeah" Amanda looked at Tory and Robby "It's been nice seeing you two aswell" Daniel then broke the awkward silence by saying "Well, Sam, Anthony, let's go" Sam then paused "I think I'll stay a bit longer" Amanda interrupted "But Sam I think these guys are having a mea-" Sam interrupted her mother "I'm enjoying myself, I'll Uber home" Amanda then looked at Daniel, then looked back at Shannon, Robby and then Tory, and said "Goodnight, Come on Anthony" All 3 of the LaRusso's left, there was only Robby, Tory, Sam, and Shannon left at the table, Tory couldn't handle the awkwardness "I'm gonna head to the bathroom" Shannon then said "I think I'm gonna go too" while Shannon and Tory were in the bathroom, it was just Robby and Sam, Robby could tell Sam was drunk, he had known for about half an hour, Sam moved next to Robby "What happened to us Robby, we used to be best friends, well, we were even more than friends at one point" Robby rolled his eyes "Oh please Sam, don't get me started, have you forgot what you've done to me" Sam also rolled her eyes "OH COME ON ROBBY! IT'S KILLING ME SEEING YOU HERE WITH HER" Robby thought that the night couldn't get any worse, but it turns out, things were gonna get ALOT worse "Sam, you've got a boyfriend..." Sam smiled "Not anymore I haven't" Sam then threw herself at Robby kissing him, Robby knew Sam was drunk so he didn't want to use force, Robby didn't want to make a big scene so he  pushed Sam away lightly without hurting her, but it was too late, his girlfriend was standing right in front of them "What The HELL" Tory shouted Robby looked at Tory "Tory it is NOT WHAT YOU TH-" Tory interrupted Robby "You just couldn't help yourself could you, the SECOND I LEAVE THE ROOM YOU SMACK YOUR LIPS ON HER" Robby tried to calm Tory down "TORY I SWEAR THATS NOT WH-" Tory interrupted Robby again "WHAT ARE YOU GONNA SAY? THAT'S NOT WHAT HAPPENED, OH PLEASE ROBBY I'VE HEARD IT ALL BEFORE" Sam started to come back to reality, she started to slowly realise what she had done "TORY YOU DON’T UNDERST-"  "I DO UNDERSTAND ROBBY, WHO WAS IT YOU WERE THINKING ABOUT WHEN WE MADE OUT ON PROM NIGHT? WHO WAS IT YOU"VE WANTED ALL OF THESE MONTHS?" Everybody at the restaurant had their eyes on Tory "YOU TORY! I LOVE YOU!" Tory grabbed a glass of red wine from another table and threw it against the wall "LIAR!" Tory looked around herself realising the scene she caused, Tory ran out of the restaurant, she hadn't even realised how late it was, she started having traumatic flash backs of her and Robby, she remembered everything they had done together "I'LL NEVER BE GOOD ENOUGH!"

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