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"That's from Tory" Johnny looked at Robby "What the hell Robby?" Robby looked at Johnny and ran away, Robby ran as far as he could away from the building, unti he suddenly remembered he said he would call Tory, but his phone was in Johnny’s car, and Johnny's car was quite a bit away, Robby started to think of what Tory would do, or what Tory would say, Robby then thought of when he ran away after kicking Miguel off the stairs, and realised how much of a flaw that was in his personality, he always ran away from his problems instead of solving them, Robby then started to look around and realised how lost he was "What do I do..."
Tory sat outside the hospital, hungry and starving, she then  remembered the deal she struck with Terry, so she decided to go back to the dojo and get her money, Tory decided that when she went back she would give Robby a call back, Tory didn't know whether or not it would be a good idea to go back to school, If she went every week she would get a small amount of money each month, but she didn't know if she could face it after everything that had happened, Tory finally got to the dojo "Nichols, you're back, what do you need? Tory looked at Terry, "Have you spoke to my landlord yet?" Terry looked at Tory happily "I've arranged to meet him later for some friendly buisness enquiries" Terry smiled "So what are you here for Nichols?" Tory looked down "I'll keep my side of the deal, I'll train here as much as I can, But you told me you'd pay for anything I need, So I was wondering if I could have some money to eat, and if I could also crash here tonight?" Terry smiled at Tory and handed her an amount of cash she had rarely seen in her life "Thank you, would it be okay for me to give Robby a call back, Terry smiled "Anytime"

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