"She's Perfect"

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"Tor, I love you" Tory looked at him with general shock in her eyes "WHAT...?" Robby looked down regretting saying those words so soon "I'm sorry you don't have to say it back..." Tory was fast to interrupt "Oh no it's just... We've only been dating a month and a half, and nobody's ever said that to me before..." Robby wanted to die in that moment, he knew he freaked her out "Tory im so sorry, I've totally FREAKED you out I shouldn't of done th-" "Of course I love you, you stupid moron" Tory laughed at Robby's expense "Do you mean it...?" Tory laughed even harder "Of course I do, I'm not Sam LaRusso, I don't say things I don't mean!" Robby smiled "You look beautiful" Tory smiled "You look pretty hot yourself" Robby broke the silence "So WHAT are we gonna do about my dad?" Tory looked down "Go to Mexico Robby" Tory caught Robby's attention "But you need me here" Tory smiled "I'll still be here when you get back, but you and your dad's relationship needs fixed ASAP" Robby bit his lip thinking "Tory, are you sure?" Tory laughed "Positive, gives me a bit of time to hook up with half the boys in the valley!" Tory winked "You better watch it Nichols" Tory laughed "None of them are as pretty as you though" Robby burst into hysterics "Yeah, I'm pretty damn fine aren't I?" Tory made a fist "Don't push your luck Keene" "CRAP!" Tory shouted "What's wrong" Robby quickly reacted "I was supposed to be inside that building 30 minutes ago!" Tory pushed through the revolving doors quickly, but stopped to give Robby a wink "She's perfect"

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