"Accept That"

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It's a deal!"  Terry smiled "Great, We are almost there" Tory started to feel concerned "Do you think they'll be okay?" Tory caught Terry of guard "Depends, Your brother looked injured, what happened?" Tory felt devastated, as it was her fault Brandon was hurt "I got into a tricky situation with my landlord and... Well long story short, he hired some guys to get my family out of the house, they attempted to move my mother out of her room, so I kicked one of them, then I felt someone pulling my arm, so I assumed it was the other guy, turns out, it wasn't the other guy..." Terry looked shocked "It was you?" Tory looked down "Yes, but I feel so angry at myself" Terry looked down "Well we are at the hospital now, so you carry the kid, and I'll try get your mother inside"  Tory nodded and ran inside the hospital with Brandon in her arms "EXCUSE ME, EXCUSE ME" A nurse came from the other room "Ma'am, I'm going to need to ask you to calm down" Tory rolled her eyes "Please take my brother, he has been injured and now he's unconscious" The nurse grabbed Brandon and rushed him to the ER, Terry soon came through the doors with Tory's mother "This is my mother, she doesn't keep well, and she slept outside at the bus stop last night" The hospital staff looked through records to see if Tory was lying about her mother, but once they saw her medical history, they took her to a room alongside Brandon "I'll wait in the car" Terry said heading for the door, Tory put her hands on her head "What have I done"
Robby and Johnny were almost at Mexico, But Robby couldn't stop thinking about Tory "What's wrong Robz" Johnny asked "Just missing Tory, and just dreading seeing Miguel" Johnny asked curiously "Why do you guys hate eachother anyway? One drunken kiss on one drunken night made you hate him?" Robby raised his eyebrows "Don't get me started dad, I'll never stop" Johnny smiled "I'm listening" Robby looked shocked "Okay then, Used dirty tricks at the tournament, Kissing my rat of a girlfriend, attacking me at the school which led to me being sent to juvie, staring at my girlfriend on prom night, attacking my girlfriend on prom night, I could go on and on" Johnny rolled his eyes "The only reason you two have beef is because of the girls, I say when we're in Mexico, You guys both find hot chicks, and then dump both Tory and Sam" Robby wasn't surprised Johnny would say something like that, but he wanted Johnny to accept that Tory was his girlfriend, and that he didn't want anybody else "Dad im in love with Tory, I don't want anybody else" Johnny looked at his son "Robby, there's so many hot ba-" Robby cut Johnny of "Dad I love Tory" Robby sighed "Accept that"

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