"It Was Just A Mistake"

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"You're Absolutely Beautiful"  Tory smiled and flipped him over so that she was the one on top "You're right, I am beautiful" Robby laughed and flipped her over again "Hey, It's my turn now" Robby slowly leaned down and kissed Tory, He pulled away and said "Hey, Tor?" Tory sat up "Yeah?" Robby looked down "Do you-" Robby didn't know if he wanted to ask Tory that question "Do you wanna move in with me?" Tory looked shocked "But Robby your mo-" Robby cut Tory off "It's fine, It's not as if my mother hasn't moved like 100 guys into the apartment without telling me" Robby felt saddened remembering all of the times his mother had brought horrible sketchy guys to their home without asking him beforehand, Tory didn't really realise how tough things had been for Robby as he never really talked about it "Robby...?" Robby looked Tory in her eyes "What was your life like before you moved in with the LaRusso's, I know you said things were tough but... You never really went into detail" Robby got caught off guard with Tory's question, Robby didn't really like to think back to that place in his life, at that time he was in with the wrong crowd, basically a border line criminal "Do you want to know...?"  Robby said nervously, Tory nodded and looked at her boyfriend, she could tell he was nervous as she knew he always went kind of silent when he felt like that, Tory put her hand on Robby’s wrist "I'm not going to judge you" Tory reassured Robby "Well, You know my mother was an alcoholic right?, she used to just leave me at the apartment alone, one night, She said she was leaving for the night, she ended up leaving for two weeks, leaving me to pay the bills" Robby took a deep breath "There's something else..." Tory looked at Robby confused, Tory just KNEW Robby was uncomfortable "What else?" Tory said curious "I did something, Well I did a few things..." Tory didn't really know what Robby meant "Well whatever it is I'm sure I've done something worse" Robby knew Tory had done some bad stuff in her life, and he trusted her, so he decided to rip off the bandaid and just tell her "I used to be a criminal, I used to steal stuff, I used to rob stuff for my friends" Tory felt surprised, but not disappointed in him, she understood what it was like to be judged, and when she was with Robby, she never felt judged, so she wanted Robby to feel the same way "I'm sorry, you must feel disa-" Tory grabbed Robby’s cheek and kissed him, she pulled away and said "I cut a girls arm open, and I attempted to smash her head in, do you feel disappointed in me?" Robby looked at Tory "WELL no, it was a mistake and you learned, you changed" Tory stroked Robby’s cheek "It was just a mistake"

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