"Tor, I Love You"

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"Everything will be alright" those were words nobody had ever told Tory, and she never thought the person who would tell her "it'll be alright" would be her 8yr old brother. "I have to go to work now little guy" Brandon smiled "Okay sissy" Tory locked the door and headed to work in a hurry, when she arrived at the new diner she works at, she saw Robby standing in front of the door "Tor listen it is NOT what you thi-" "GET THE HELL OUT OF MY WAY ROBBY" Robby looked shocked "Tory I just didn't get round to telling you" Tory rolled her eyes "ROBBY I JUST HAD YOUR FATHER BANGING DOWN MY DOOR TELLING ME A DIFFERENT STORY, NOW PLEASE, GET OUT MY WAY" Robby put his hand on Torys back but out of force of habit, she grabbed Robby's wrist and twisted it, quite similar to the time she done it to her landlord, but this time, it wasn't out of protection, It was out of anger, she let him go once she realised what she had done and entered the diner, Robby grabbed her arm and pulled her outside to kiss, Tory didn't pull away right away put once she realised what happened she pushed him off and said "Go home Robby... Just... Go home" "If you really wanted me to do that, then you wouldn't of kissed me back" Tory looked down "Robby I have intense feelings for you, but I can't be in a relationship with no honesty, you didn't trust me enough to tell me about Mexico, and your fath-" Tory realised Johnny asked her to break up with him so she didn't want to tell him what Johnny had said to her "What did he do?" "Nothing.." Robby looked at Tory "What did he say.....?" "ROBBY FOR GOD SAKE YOUR MAKING THIS TOO HARD, HE ASKED ME TO BREAK UP WITH YOU, SO WE ARE OVER!" Tory sobbed and fell to the ground, Robby went down with her and gave her a hug "Robby I don't care about you not telling me about Mexico, What I care about is me being stupid enough to get romantically involved with someone I can't have" Robby smiled "Who says you can't have me" "Well your dad for a star-" Robby kissed Tory once again and then pulled away to say pulled away "Tor I love you..

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