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"Can people really change?" Robby smiled "Yeah, they can, you changed, for the better" Tory looked at Robby with confused in her eyes "I think the word 'changed' might be a little strong, Im just not a physcho anymore" Robby sighed "You were never a phycho Tory, I'm not justifying your actions at the school fight, but, you did have your reasons to start it" Tory started to think about the school fight "I don't know what got into me that day, I can't really remember it if I'm honest, I wish I could go back to that day and change what happened Robby" Robby sighed "I think everybody involved in the fight would change something about that day" Tory started to feel sad "I'm so sorry Robby, for everything I put you through, that fight, whatever sugar coating you wanna put over it, at the end of the day, it was my fault, I was the one who got you landed in juv-" Robby grabbed Tory's cheek "Hey hey, that was my fault, you can't blame yourself for everything" Tory looked deep into Robby's eyes, She forgot how attractive he was, she suddenly felt herself lean in for a kiss, Robby instantly pulled Tory closer and kissed her back intensely, Tory had never felt more comfort in her life, she only felt that way about Robby, Their connection was so strong Tory could feel that spark of electricity through her body as Robby kissed her, until all of a sudden they heard a door opening, Tory pulled away "Robby are you home?" Robby's mother Shannon burst into his bedroom "Oh sorry, I didn't know you had a girl over" Tory interrupted "Oh no, it's fine, I'm Tory" Shannon recognised Tory's name and instantly knew who she was, Tory put her hand out to Shannon, and Shannon awkwardly shook it "I'm Shannon, Robby's mother" Tory awkwardly nodded "I'll leave you two to it" Shannon said pointing to the door "No!" Tory shouted from the other room "I mean... How about we go for a meal?" Shannon looked at Robby awkwardly, Robby gave his mother a look, signalling her to say yes, Shannon awkwardly replied "Um, Go on then" Tory smiled and looked at Robby "Uh where do you wanna go?" Robby said with confusion, Shannon grabbed the walls "Oh my god, there's this AMAAAAZINGG, Mexican food place how about we go there?" Robby knew Tory hated Mexican food, but he knew she wouldn't say anything about it "Uh I don't think Tory likes Me-" Tory interrupted Robby "Mexican sounds great" Tory said with the look of disgust plastered onto her face, Shannon semi-smiled "I'll start the car up..." She said as she left the room "Tory are you sure you wanna go here" Tory slightly hesitated "P-Positive" Tory took Robby's hand and jumped inside Shannon's car, within 5 minutes, Shannon was able to get parked outside the restaurant, Tory hopped out of the car alongside Robby as all 3 of them walked inside the diner, Shannon led the way and all 3 of them ordered their meals, Robby saved a seat for Tory, as she was still ordering alongside his mother, Robby liked seeing them bonding, and he could only hope that they'd get along, Robby all of a sudden smelled a familiar scent, He had no idea what it was, it was a type of flowery perfume, he stood up and turned around, to find the one and only Sam LaRusso standing behind him with her family, Daniel, Amanda, and Anthony, Sam was smiling until she saw an old friend standing in front of her "Hey..."

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