"She's In Good Hands Now..."

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Tory woke up on a cold concrete floor, she sat up and looked around "Where am-" Tory's heart dropped as she saw her mother and her little brother lying on the floor at a bus stop, with maggot infested blankets covering them, Tory was more scared than she had ever been, she didn't know where she was, how she got there, and when she got there, Tory searched her brain for information, but she couldn't remember a thing, Tory tried to wake up Brandon and her mother, but had no luck, she turned her little brother around and noticed a huge bruise on his arm Suddenly, memories of the night before poured into her head "Nichols, you have messed messed me about for months, I have hired some old friends to help me take care of this situation, if I can't get that money, then you and your little family are out of here" Tory's body went into shock mode "No, NO PLEASE, I JUST NEED SOME TIME" Rodney's friends approached Tory's mothers room ready to move her onto the street until Tory punched  him in the face, sending him to the ground Brandon came from the other  room wondering what was going on, he grabbed Tory's arm, Blindly thinking it was the other guy, Tory grabbed his arm and twisted it, throwing him to the ground, realising it was her little brother, Tory fell to the ground with him "Brandon, I'm so sorry are you okay?" With all of the stress in a small period of time, Tory was paralysed, she couldn't move, this gave Rodney the upper ground, causing such a awful Aftermath for Tory and her family.
"I just hope she's okay" Johnny rolled his eyes "Robby, she's fine, once we get there you can call her" Robby made up an excuse "Uhh, Dad, can I go to the bathroom?" Johnny parked his car outside a gas station "Perfect timing, just don't be too long" Robby got out the car "I won't" The only reason Robby wanted to go to the bathroom was to talk to Tory on the phone, Robby got inside a stall and called Tory, Robby was surprised she didn't answer, but he just figured she was busy, he left her a heartfelt voicemail "Hey babe, I just thought I'd call to see how you're doing but you're obviously busy so- I just called to let you know I'm thinking about you and that I miss you, I don't have much time so i better get going but- I love you and I can't wait to see you, we'll soon Tor" Robby thought it was unusual that Tory didn't answer but he didn't think anything of it, he sure couldn't guess who was on the other side of her phone sniggering and laughing at every word "She's in good hands now..." Rodney said as he threw her phone inside of the trash can...

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