"Im Gonna Miss You"

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"You're the love of my life" Tory laughed "What is it?" Robby asked confused "1 year ago you were slamming me into lockers, and 2 months ago you hated me" Robby smiled "I never hated you I always thought you looked cute" Robby winked at her "What about when you were with Sam at the roller rink?" Robby looked at Tory "Even then you looked pretty, but I didn't think about it since I was in a relationship at the time" Tory knew Robby was a gentleman "But I'd of bought you a drink if I met you at a bar" Tory laughed "There it is!" Robby looked at Tory again "I'm gonna miss you" Tory felt so loved hearing those words "We can still phone call" Tory suggested "Yeah, but it's not the same as seeing you" Robby sounded more sad about leaving Tory than he was happy about making up with his dad "Then we'll facetime, Robby, our relationship can be put on hold, you and your dad's relationship is needing fixed, VERY soon, or else the damage could be permanent" Robby knew she was right "DAMN IT!" Tory shouted "WHAT'S WRONG" Robby said concerned "It's 5:45pm, your supposed to meet Johnny at 6, you need to get going!" Robby paused for a second "Can you come with me, just to wave me off?" Tory looked confused "Robby, I dunno what your dad would thi-" Robby quickly interrupted "I don't care what he's going to think, Tory, im not going to see you for 3 weeks, plus if we're dating he's gonna have to see you at some point, please?" Tory sighed "Come on then" Robby smiled, as he took Tory's hand and led her to Johnny's apartment, Once they got there, they saw Johnny waiting inside his car, "Finally, I thought you'd never come" "Well he's here isn't he" Johnny was caught of guard by hearing Tory's voice "Well you two kids go round the corner to say goodbye, because I don't need to hear that lovey-dovey goodbye crap" Robby rolled his eyes "Alright dad" Robby and Tory walked just a little bit behind the apartment complex to say goodbye "Robby I'm going to miss you" Robby kissed Tory one last time before he left "I'm gonna miss you too but we are still gonna talk okay?" Tory smiled "Of course we are, but you've got things that you need to sort and- so do I" Robby hugged Tory "Be careful Tor" Robby smiled "You too, don't get killed in Mexico" Robby laughed as that was his theory "With a bit of luck I won't" Johnny beeped the horn signalling them to hurry up "Bye Robby" "Bye Tor" Robby walked over to the car and waved at Tory, he got inside the car and soon enough, he was gone, Tory broke down in tears as she knew she was alone now "I'm gonna miss you..."

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