"I'm Never Leaving You Again"

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"Anytime" Tory made a half smile and headed to the hallway to call Robby, Tory couldn't help but worry about Brandon, but she knew he was young and he would be fine, Right...? Tory dialled Robby’s number and was surprised when he didn't answer, she had to admit she was a little offended when he didn't answer, but she tried not to take it too personally as she was also very bad at answering the phone, Tory went into the backroom of the dojo and saw some old, worn in scratchy blankets, Tory was used to sleeping rough so it didn't bother her, What bothered her was the noise of her 2 Sensei's talking in the other room, Tory stood up tiredly and couldn't help but over hear their conversation "Mike, you have to play it cool or she'll get suspicious" Tory was confused "Suspicious? Suspicious of what?" Tory had thought to herself, "IM NOT HOLDING BACK TERRY, SHE NEEDS TO KNOW THE TRUTH" Tory was so confused, were they talking about her? She didn't have a clue, Tory then heard Silver say "GET THE HELL OUT, And come back tomorrow when you've came to your senses, and your ready to get back in line" Tory then heard the man say "URGH!" and heard the door slam behind him, Tory wasn't afraid, she got out of the room and asked "What the hell is going on?"
Robby looked around and felt so lost, he felt startled when he heard his dad shouting his name "Robby, I know you're here somewhere come on out!" Robby mumbled "damn it" and came out of his hiding spot, Robby came face to face with his dad and Miguel, Miguel had blood stains on his face, and Robby couldn't bring himself to look him in the eye "Robby, I've been worried about you where the hell have you been" Robby looked down "No, Where the hell have you been" Johnny felt confused "What do you mean, I made sure Miguel was alright, got catching up a little bit then came to find you" Robby rolled his eyes "You just had to prioritise Miguel first didn't you?" Johnny felt so confused with his sons words "Robby what do you mean, you hit him I had to see if he was alright" Robby felt angry with every word his father said "OH PLEASE, Don't act as if you haven't ever hit somebody, You could've checked if he was okay, then instead of catching up about what's on the news, you could've catched up with your real son who is in a foreign country and didn't  even want to be there!" Johnny felt saddened and reached his arm out to Robby only for it to get slapped away "I'm leaving this place, I'm leaving Mexico to go see the only person that cares about me, AND THAT'S TORY!" Johnny felt shocked at Robby’s words "How are you gonna leave, you have no money on you for a taxi" Robby turned around to his father and went into his pockets and pulled out a bus pass "Don't need any money, I'm good to go, NOW it's time for you to make your choice dad, Me or Miguel?" Johnny looked down and then put his hand on Miguel's shoulder, Robby then walked away angrier than he had ever been before, he then stopped at a bus stop and headed om the bus to where he needed to be Robby knew where he needed to be, he needed to be with Tory "I'm Never Leaving You Again"

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