"You Are My Future"

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"It was just a mistake" Tory looked at Robby "Wait... Why are you so upset about stealing? Do you remember what we done at the zoo?" Robby kind of forgot about that incident "Yeah, I do but I don't know how to explain this, My main party trick was dressing up in this workplace where they fixed computers, This one guy came in with his computer, he told me about how it wasn't working, he even said he had him and his wife's wedding album saved onto it" Tory had never heard Robby tell that story before "Why did you want a crusty old man's computer anyway?" Robby didn't know how to answer that "I didn't, my friends wanted it, they'd always ask me to try get a good device with higher specs so that they could clean it up and sell it, they would always say they'd give me some of the money but, they never did" Tory felt upset at how bad Robby's life was, well, how his life was like before the LaRusso's "Robby, I know you don't like talking about this, but, How did Daniel LaRusso manage to help you" Robby knew Daniel and the LaRusso's were gonna get mentioned at one point "He helped me find balance I guess, He was the first person to teach me karate" Tory smiled "Well how did you end up living there, Did he ask you to move in?" Robby didn't know Tory was going to ask that question "It wasn't Daniel that helped me in that specific area..." Tory was confused "Was it Ama-" Tory then paused and Robby squinted his eyes "Was it-?" Robby nodded "It was Sam, She kind of figured out somehow about my living situation, so she asked Daniel to come and check on me, and when he found out, he welcomed me into their home" Robby started to open his eyes a little bit on how good the LaRusso's were to him, and how they weren't always the enemy, Tory felt horrified, she could sense Robby was deep in thought "Do you, Do you miss them...?" As much as Robby hated to admit it, he did miss the bond he had with the LaRusso's and Sam, Not the romantic bond him and Sam had, but the friendship, but the truth was, he'd never trade in what he had with Tory to be with Sam "I miss how things used to be beteween us, things have changed, people change... I changed" Tory looked at Robby with devastation in her eyes, she knew she could never change the past, she knew she could never change what Robby and Sam had, She also knew she couldn't change what Robby and Sam could have in the future, Robby looked at Tory "Babe...?" Robby said sadly "Yeah...?" Tory said also with sadness in her voice "I want you to know, that all of that stuff with the LaRusso's is in the past, and you're my future, I never felt this way about Sam, I was never in love with Sam, I'm in love with you, I want you to know that Sam is my past, and I just hope, that you're in my future" Tory's sadness turned into happiness hearing that Robby wanted her in his future "You are my future"

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