"Is She My Soulmate?"

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As Robby made his way over to Tory's apartment, he noticed the blinds were shut, that was understandable considering it was about 9 in the morning, he rung Tory's door, knowing she wouldn't be asleep as her work starts at nine, "BRANDON, Can you get the door" Tory said as she got her waitress outfit on, Robby smiled at the door opening expecting for it to be her behind it, a little boy about 7 or 8 opened the door, "Hi mister, are you here the this month's rent...?" Brandon shakily asked "Oh no no, I'm here for your big sister, is she here?" Brandon opened the door and signaled Robby inside "When people come knocking on the door they are usually looking for money" The little boy scanned Robby up and down to make sure he wasn't the Landlord Tory told him never to answer the door too "Brandon, what did I tell you about letting people inside the h-" Tory was cut off by the sight of her boyfriend "Hey you" She smiled at Robby, Robby went over and leaned in for a kiss until he realised her 8yr old brother was watching, not knowing who the hell he was "Robby, I kind of have to go to work soon, Would it be okay for you to come over a bit later?" Robby nodded and Tory went over to him and gave him a peck on the lips completely forgetting her younger brother was stood right in front of her, Tory leaned down to Brandon's height giving him a hug and kiss before she lef the house, Robby couldn't help but notice Brandon was eating a bowl of cereal with water, this triggered Robby as that was what he used to do when he had no milk "Hey kid, How about I go to the shops and but you some ready made pancakes to eat" Brandon smiled and sat his cereal on the counter and nodded, Robby smiled and headed out to go buy his girlfriends little brother who he has known for 10 minutes, some pancakes, as he was walking to the shop, he came across the beach him and Sam used to train together at, he started laughing at the difference beteween Sam and Tory, "Tory makes me the best version of myself" Robby suddenly came to a realisation that the whole time he had been with Tory, he has felt great about himself, whereas when he was with Sam, he always felt like he had to lie to get points with her, but with Tory, It's different, She also has a record of doing crazy things she didn't mean, she also has lived in poverty, it made him realise "Is she my soul mate?"

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