"Fight Smart"

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Hey you" Robby's confusion quickly turned into happiness "Tory...?" Tory made a half smile hearing Robby's voice "Hey Robz" Robby sensed Tory was upset "Tor, What's wrong?" Tory sooo badly wanted to tell Robby about everything that happened, but she knew it would make him worried, and he wanted him to enjoy time with his dad "Nothing, I'm just missing you" Tory wasn't lying when she said she missed Robby, but she just wished that was the only thing she was sad about "I miss you too Tory, we're nearly at Mexico, so I'm still in the car with my dad, and we have ALOT to talk about" Robby looked at his dad rolling his eyes thinking about how his dad lied about Miguel "How about I call you back later, on your mobile?" Tory didn't know where her mobile was after getting kicked out "Umm, can you just call this number instead?" Robby sounded confused "What about your phone?" Tory thought of an excuse "I broke it" Robby laughed "Alright then, I'll call you on this number at about..." Robby looked at his father who mouthed 7 "Seven o'clock" Tory smiled "Seven it is" They stayed in silence for a minute "I love you" Robby said sadly "I love you too, I'll talk to you at Seven Robz" Robby smiled "Bye Tory" Tory hung up and ran to Terry Silver's office "Hey Sen-" She stopped mid sentence as she saw that mysterious man again, Mike looked at his daughter for the first time in 17 years, he couldn't believe how beautiful she was, Mike held out his hand "Hi there, I'm Sensei Barnes" Tory awkwardly shook his hand "Tory, with a Y" Terry gave Mike a look which ment "Now get the hell out of here" Mike smiled and said "Nice to meet you Nicho-" Mike cut himself off as he realised Tory never told him her second name "You know my second name?" Terry jumped in "Well... He knows your name because of the tournament!" "Ohhh, that makes sense!" Mike smiled "I better get going" Tory smiled "Bye, nice to meet you" Mike smiled and left "Sensei, I was wondering if we could get a start on making some living arrangements for me" Terry smiled "Of course we can, I'll pay that landlord of yours a visit, and tell him exactly what the deal is" Tory smiled "But eh, before we do that, I wanna show you something" Terry led Tory into a room with a bunch of wooden boards stacked up to her face level "Sensei what is this" Terry smiled "This is a very important lesson, it's what I like to call the Quicksilver method" Tory laughed "The Quicksilver method?" Terry kept a straight face "This is a very important lesson Nichols" Terry wheeled the doll like wooden boards up to her, something that disturbed Tory was that on this weird structure, there was a picture of Sam LaRusso's face "What the hell-" Terry cut Tory off "I'm sure you know what this is" Tory felt awkward "Sensei why is Sam LaRussos face on it?" Terry smiled "Do you remember what she did" Tory stayed silent "She stole your boyfriend, she could steal Robby just like she stole Miguel" Tory started to get angry with Terry casting all of that up "Robby would never do that" Terry laughed "Miguel did" Tory tried to make light of the situation "Miguel was still in love with Sam, Robby isn't" Terry started to get inside Tory's head "How are you so sure? Robby dated Sam, The only reason he wants you is to win her back" Tory shook her head "No, He loves me not her" Terry frowned "Nichols, I used to train with him, he told me about how there was still lingering feeling for Sam, and how much he missed having her about" Tory looked at the picture of Sam and started to feel her fists tighten "Oh yeah, he also told me about how pretty LaRusso looked on prom night" Tory couldn't handle it anymore she got into a fighting stance and threw a punch at the doll, she had flash backs to everything her and Robby had been through together and felt angry that he betrayed her like that "ARGH" Tory pulled away and saw blood on the picture of Sam, Tory then got her feet in position ready to kick, Tory continously kicked the wooden legs until she couldn't anymore, Tory finally pulled away from the wooden figuire, Tory looked at Terry with anger in her eyes "Is what you said about him true" Terry sighed "No Robby didn't do or say anything, That was a lesson about anger, and if you can learn to use that anger correctly, you could be the strongest girl In the Valley" Tory smiled "How can I use my anger the right way? I fight all the time, what way is the right way?" Terry smiled "Be aggressive when you do fight, but you need to pick the right time to fight" Tory was confused, Terry then walked over to Tory "Fight Smart"

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