"You're The Love Of My Life"

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The next day, Robby went to his father's apartment to tell him about Mexico, Johnny opened the door and let him inside "Look, if your here about Tory im sorry about that-" Robby smiled "Dad im not here about Tory, she persuaded me and I've decided to come to Mexico with you, but I'll need a day to pack my things "Great son, Im not trying to push you out but could you go home and pack your things right now, it's just... The faster we get there the better" Robby knew something was suspicious, but he didn't say anything "Alright Dad, I'll be back at 8pm to leave if that's okay?" Johnny looked down "6pm would be better" Robby looked confused "Well... Okay? 6pm it is" Johnny smiled "Great" Robby made a sharp exit as he knew he had to pack fast, Tory took the day off work to come help Robby pack, and to also spend a bit of time with him before he left, Tory came to Robby's apartment at 2pm as they arranged "Hey you" Tory greeted him with a kiss "Hey Tor" Robby let her in to help him get a start on packing "Woah, what's the rush?" Robby looked down "My dad has decided we are leaving at 6pm, not 8" Tory looked sad "Aww, we were supposed to have our date at 6, after we finished packing "I'm sorry babe, he seemed very firm on the idea" Tory looked confused "What do you mean" Robby looked his girlfriend in the eyes "You don't think he's took me down to Mexico to get killed do you" Tory burst into hysterics "Your so paranoid, he probably just wants to get there sooner so you guys can spend more time bonding" Tory said wrapping her hands around his waist "Yeah, but we could've bonded anywhere, why Mexico?" Robby did make a valid point, why Mexico? "Wait, what does Miguel think of this..." Robby felt annoyed hearing his name, but she was right, what would Miguel say about Johnny going to Mexico with the kid who paralysed him and almost killed him "I don't exactly know..." Tory got the last item of clothing into Robby's suitcase "We're probably reading to much into this" Robby said "Yes, we are, now let's enjoy our last hour together, because I'm not going to see you for another 3 weeks!" Tory said sounding upset "Robby..." Robby looked at his girlfriend "Yes Tor?" Tory fiddled with her fingers "Your not going to hook up with some girl in Mexico are you" Robby sounded shocked at his girlfriends words "Of course not, what would make you think that?" Tory looked down "Well, I've only ever had 2 boyfriends, Miguel and some other boy I dated when I was 15, they both cheated on me, and I gave me some serious relationship PTSD" Robby pulled Tory in for a hug "Your the love of my life"

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