"Balance Is Key"

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"No Tory, You won't be fine, This man doesn't want to help you, He's a con man" Tory rolled her eyes "Robby do you think I don't know that? I saw him with my own eyes, paying of the referee, paying for my win, NOW that hurt" Robby raised his voice "Then why the HELL do you trust him" Tory shouted at Robby "I DON’T TRUST ANYBODY ROBBY" Robby felt hurt at Tory's words "So you don't trust me then?" Tory had realised what she had just done "No Robby I didn't mean it like th-" Robby cut Tory off mid sentence "No no, You just said you don't trust ANYBODY" Tory walked closer to Robby "Of course I trust you, you actual idiot, I'm sorry" Robby knew Tory was being sincere "Well I don't trust him Tory, and I love you too much to watch you get hurt by that man" Tory hugged Robby "Robby it's not a big deal, I just go in there everyday, DO some karate, come home and get payed" Robby decided to argue his point one more time "TORY, I PROMISE YOU, THIS IS NOT A GOOD IDEA" Tory looked away and whispered "I'm sorry Robby" Robby then made a comment that would ruin Tory's whole day "Okay then, Don't you have somewhere better to be?" Tory took the hint and then stormed out of Robby's apartment, She decided to go to the dojo to let her anger out on a punching bag, Once Tory got there Terry tried to greet her inside "Hey Nichols, ready to lead some war-" Tory walked into the backroom of the dojo completely ignoring her Sensei, she found a punching bag and immediately ran over to it, she started to get flashbacks to the time Terry Silver taught her "The Quicksilver Method" and got in the exact same position she did then, Tory started to repeatedly punch the punching bag, Tory felt her whole life flashing before her eyes, She thought about her landlord, her relationship with Robby and Miguel, Sam LaRusso, Tory kept punching the punching bag with absolutely NO breaks in beteween, Tory would've punched that bag all night if it weren't for the one and only Mike Barnes, Mike ran up to Tory "WOAH, WOAH" He said pulling Tory away from the punching bag, Tory punched her Sensei in the arm out of anger, Mike looked at his arm smiling, feeling proud at how strong his baby girl had gotten "You've got a pretty powerful punch on you" Tory would've usually been over the moon at a comment like that, but she was too annoyed at how crap her life had been recently, Tory made a fake smile and continued punching "I wouldn't get too cocky though, I still think there's a better way to deliver your punches" Tory turned around so that she was eye to eye with her Sensei  "Alright, you think there's a better way? Show me" Mike smiled "Alright, try to land that hit again" Tory got in a fighting stance and threw the exact same punch, Mike caught the punch and twisted her arm up her back "Holy crap" Tory shouted and then Mike let go, Tory got her breath back and then said "Where did I go wrong?" Tory questioned her self out loud "You know what the main lesson they teach at Miyagi Do, right?" Tory shook her head and Mike smiled "You have NO balance, That punch was just pure anger, which is good strength wise, but since your obviously emotional about something, your head isn't in the game, it's on something else, If you let your guard down for even a split second in a fight, then your gonna become vulnerable to hits" Tory looked at Mike and started to get confused "But Sensei Silver told be it was a good thing to bottle up my anger, and then just explode" Mike shook his head aggressively, feeling annoyed knowing that's the kind of poison he'd spill into childrens ears, but he was even more annoyed that he was feeding those lies to his daughter "Balance is key"

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