"That's From Tory"

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Robby and Johnny finally got to Mexico, Robby stood out of the car and mumbled "Crap..." Johnny looked at his son "What's wrong?" Robby looked in Miguel's direction and pointed, Johnny smiled "There he is" Robby felt saddened at how happy Johnny was, he just wished that Johnny was as happy as that when they both met Johnny excitedly said "GET in the car, we'll drive to him" Robby rolled his eyes and got in the car, Miguel looked around his surroundings and then came face to face with a familiar looking car "Sens-" Miguel was cut off at the sight of Johnny "Hey" Miguel went in for a hug with Johnny as Robby just stood there like an idiot watching his own father hug his enemy, once Miguel saw Robby his excitement turned into horror "What's he doing here" Miguel said walking up to Robby "Relax Miguel, Robby came here to help me find you" Miguel rolled his eyes "Yeah I'm sure he did" Miguel said looking Robby up and down "How's Sam doing?" Miguel asked to try rub salt in Robby’s wounds, but little did Miguel know, Robby didn't care about Sam, The only person he cared about was Tory "Oh yeah, Your cheating girlfriend is doing just fine, infact, I think I saw her talking to a guy, yeah, I think I saw them making out when she was drunk" Robby started to reference the time him and Sam cheated, Miguel felt angered "How's that girlfriend of yours doing? Is that phycho still obsessing over me, YEAH, she probably wants a real man buy her side, and not just some uneducated criminal" Robby felt provoked and made a fist ready to kill Miguel until Johnny held him back "Stop it, Both of you" Robby looked at Johnny with anger in his eyes, "WHY SHOULD I STOP IT, I DIDN'T EVEN WANT TO BE HERE, I WANTED TO BE WITH HER, I WANT TO BE WITH TORY" Miguel felt shocked as he didn't know how serious Robby and Tory were "I miss Sam too, but I'm not talking about her 24/7, get a life" Miguel was already on very thin ice, but that was the last words that melted it, Robby approached Miguel slowly, Miguel looked away and Robby took advantage of that by punching him in the face "That's from Tory"

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