"None Of It Was Real"

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"Robby, when it comes to women.. You know what, forget it, but what happened at prom to make you think it's more than a quick fling" Robby felt angry at his dad, but deep down, the truth was he didn't know how Tory felt "It wasn't like that, we kissed.. in a red ferrari, at night, outside..." Johnny squints his eyes "Yeah, I think I get the idea Robby..." Johnny looked down, which was something he usually did when he was about to say something that really hits home "What about LaRusso?.." Robby looked his father in the eyes "WHAT about her?..." You still care about her, AND SHE still cares about you "She might've cared about me, but she never cared for me as much as I cared for her, I was just the rebound to fulfill her need to have a never ending train of revolving men" Johnny knew Robby was somewhat right but it didn't mean he agreed with him "Robby, I'm not telling you to get back with LaRusso, I'm just telling you to make sure you actually want to get emotionally involved and put your heart on the line to get broken, for a girl again, only shortly after your relationship with Sam" Robby laughed sarcastically "Sam and I never had a relationship, none of it was real, it was all an illusion, she mightve been attracted to me, just not the way she was attracted to Miguel" hearing Miguel's name getting mentioned made Johnny realise what he actually invited Robby over to talk about, instead of petty high-school drama, "OKAY ROBBY, date who you want, So what do you think about this Mexico trip then? "I'll think about it dad, anyways I better be going now I'll give you a text later" Robby said walking to the door "Okay son be careful, want a ride home" "No, I've actually got somewhere I need to be" Robby walked out of his dad's apartment and made his way over to Tory's

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