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belly's pov:

for anyone, summer is a time of starting over. it symbolises the start of something new, the start of new beginnings. but this summer isn't going to be like all the other summers.

taylor told me to be strong, to get close to conrad but he acted like an ass last summer and i just can't deal with that.

so this summer, i made a new deal, to focus on other people. every summer, i have always spent time at that house in cousins but ever since susannah got sick again, my mom has been begging me to go to summer camp with steven.

i can't stand steven sometimes, he apparently like this girl called shayla and she seems nice but he's my brother and it just seems weird for him to like a girl, especially since i am one and he treats me like crap.

"stop putting your feet on the seat!" steven tells me as i stick my tongue out at him and turn on the radio.

"belly, i'm serious, if you don't, i'll turn this car around!"

"steven, stop being an ass, i get that you want to spend time with your precious girlfriend but when is it going to sink in that she might not be into you, ow!" he slaps my hand away from the radio and gives me a serious look.

i call it the steven stare. since i was 5, my brother hated when i said something that would affect him and he would stare into my soul to make me say sorry but this time, i'm not backing down.

"say it belly, say your sorry"

"no because you know it's true, seriously i have never met shayla and it's probably because you were kissing her all last summer"

"so you kissing jere is ok but because i kiss someone, it's illegal"

"ok, one, we didn't kiss, can't people just be good friends? and two it's not like i called it illegal, i just feel like you should have introduced her to mom and susannah..." i tell him pointing at his chest with every point that i make.

"well susannah's sick and that's why mom forced up to come here"


"belly i'm sorry..."

"it's alright, i get it but we can't lose hope, let's just try and enjoy this summer, ok?"


let's just hope that she gets better...

nini's pov:

"nini, you ok!" momma d yells as i drag my suitcase down the stairs.

"mom, i'm ok, it's not like i haven't done it before!" i tell her, my ukulele bag in hand along with my pink suitcase with purple butterflies on it.

it's my second year at summer camp and i can't wait! last year i went, i played a fork but this year, i'm hoping i at least get the lead!

"nini, hurry up, we're gonna be late!"

"ok, ok, i'm coming!" i say finally reaching the bottom of the stairs.

my moms have been my biggest supporters ever since i was very little. my dream is to be on broadway and to hear the crowd roar but i doubt that i'll get the lead because i get super nervous!

what if i mess up by singing in a british accent? it's a habit that i do when I get nervous or what if i forget my lines?

one thing that i'm thankful about is that ricky bowen won't be there to ruin my summer!

ah ricky or should i say richard bowen, my arch nemesis since i was ten. the truth is, i know how bad he hurt me but he just doesn't remember it so we bicker over things but as soon as he says something mean, my wall breaks down.

i hate him, i can't stand him!

luckily, i have my friend kourtney but apparently she's not coming because of a family emergency. i hope it's nothing too serious!

so here i am, sitting in the car listening to harry styles, about to enter my second home.

let's just hope this summer isn't like all the other summers!

First chapter done! How are you all doing? I love both of these shows so I thought it would be fun to do a crossover!

Shout out to those people who knew about this before anyone else, you know who you are, ahem the wattpad gc on insta!

I also wanted to mention that this story might contain social media, honestly it depends bc it is loosely based on s3 of hsmtmts and they don't have phones whilst they are there so we'll see!

Oh and another thing, I plan to update this book every day but if I can't, that's because I am super busy, hope you all understand!

But anyways, I love you all and thank you for reading, voting and commenting, it truly makes my day!

Love you all

Em <3

the summer things fell apart- hsmtmts x tsitp auWhere stories live. Discover now