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nini's pov:

"hey, good job out there connie!" i tell him as we head back to rehearsal.

the yellow team won and despite me wanting to win, they deserved it so the least i could do was congratulate them.

"ah thanks panini, honestly i don't think that i did that great but our team won so that's something!"

"well you won, that's an achievement!"

"sooo, are you and bowen friends now?"

"uh, we decided to be civil for the sake of the show, hopefully, it remains that way and he doesn't do something stupid!"

"knowing him, he probably will, i mean, the boy just dated lily and now, he's suddenly interested in belly, like what the heck.."

"do you like her?" i ask, the question coming out with a hint of dread.

"uh, no, she's like a sister to me, it would be weird and confusing!"

"oh but how come you liked nicole?"

"i dated her to get my mind of my mom"

"sure, i bet it was to get your mind of belly"

"nini, i don't like her, i like you"

time stopped. everything came to a stand still. i couldn't move, i couldn't speak. my heart was beating so fast that it felt like i was going to explode.

conrad liked me, as in more than a friend. and the thought of that freaked me out.

crap, he's waiting for me to answer!

"i... i like you too!" i tell him, smiling at him.

in the corner of my eye, i see belly talking to ricky and nicole is talking to jet!

i have nothing to worry about

ricky's pov:

i guess it never really hit me that me and nini are sort of civil now but that doesn't mean that i can't tease her from time to time, right?

i look at nini, she looks super happy with conrad but the sad reality was that, ever since the accident, nini hasn't smiled a lot but she is with him.

the last time nini truly smiled though was with me when we were younger. we were so naive back then but i guess people change...

"hey ricky, we need you to rehearse the you're the one that i want scene with nini!"

well crap...

Hehe, hi guys! How are you all doing? It's been a few days since I updated but here is a chapter for y'all!

So Conrad and Nini like one another but what about Ricky? Idk but he's acting a bit sus?

Anyways, we get Ricky and Nini backstory next chapter along with some drama! It's about to get super angsty soon, just you wait!

Other than that, I love you all and ty for reading, voting and commenting

Mwah <33


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