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conrad's pov:

from the moment i slapped him, chaos broke loose. i like to think that it was all a dream but i pinched myself and i never woke up.

nini was crying, ricky was mad so he slapped me back, maddox and jet were fighting in the corner about something, ej and gina had left to go outside and talk, val was trying to get us all back together.

in other words, it was a mess!

"if you hadn't said all that, we wouldn't be in this situation!" i tell ricky as we fight like little kids.

"really? because you were the one who started this as soon as you arrived here"

"what are you talking about?"

"you act like a asshole, i'm just trying to protect her"

"protect her? if you really cared for her, you wouldn't have made her have a panic attack right now!" as soon as i say that, he stops fighting.

he looks at nini who is hugging kourtney and sobbing. the boy looked at nini, then me, then spotted belly who gave him a glare. it's safe to say that if belly ever liked him as a friend, she definitely doesn't now!

"i... belly, i uh, got to go!" he tells me as soon as belly walks away.

belly's pov:

"belly, wait, i'm sorry!" i hear him say but right now, i don't have time to deal with ricky's crap!

"are you though? because the ricky i know wouldn't have said anything like that"

"it was just a spur of the moment thing, it didn't mean anything"

"well for me, it did, you insulted not only nini, but maddox and me" i gave him a look of disappointment.

"belly, please, you know that our friendship is important to me"

"clearly you don't have your priorities sorted out! i want you to change, i want you to be nicer to people because what is the point of this friendship thing if i can't trust you anymore!"

"but truthfully, it's not about me, is it?"

"what are you?..."

"it's always been nini, from the moment you arrived and i sat next to you, you talked about nini, claiming that you hate her, but is it really hate or are you just too blind to see it?" as soon as i say that, he becomes speechless.

i guess i have my answer...

"wait, don't go just yet, i want to have a second chance"

"you quite frankly don't deserve it"

"i know, but i am willing to change, i want to be better, please just give me another chance"

"it's not me that you want a second chance from though, it's nini"

"why are you talking about nini so much?"

"because, deep down, i know you miss one another! i saw the way you were laughing at each other before and then, you just had to go screw it up"

"i think everyone needs you to be nicer, kinder and most importantly, not hiding behind hatred, you have got to move on"

"what are you saying?"

"i guess, i'm moving on, i can't be in a one sided complicated fling because it's toxic!"

"so, this thing that we had? it's over?"

"uh huh, not sure if it even was a thing in the first place"

"please belly, i just, i'm sorry"

"don't apologise to me, apologise to nini, she's a crying mess right now all because of you"

i eventually walk back to my cabin and spot a little note with junior mint attached to it.

hey bells,

it's mom here, susannah is doing good but she's missing you and so was junior mint so we brought him just for you! hope everything is going well!

tell the boys and taylor that we miss them

mom and beck

god, i miss them!

Yikes, drama! Ricky and Belly are um, well heading on different paths at the moment but will it stay like that forever? Will they end up rekindling their summer fling!

Hehe, I love making things awkward and stuff lmaoo


Em <33

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