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belly's pov:

"belly, what is up with you, you are in another world?!" steven says as i check out that boy once more.

god, i really need taylor right now!

"looks like belly button has a crush!" conrad jokes as i stare down at my crop top which shows a little bit of my stomach.

"can you quit that? i don't have a crush!"

"sure, so you weren't trying to impress jere last summer"

"you were impressing jere?" conrad asks and at that moment, i want someone to swallow me whole.

i hate my brother and conrad is being a jerk! i thought that he would be better, kinder, nicer this summer but i was wrong, his mom clearly has changed him and not in a good way!

"i'm going to find my cabin, see you guys later!" i tell them but that is really just so i can escape the madness of my brother and conrad.

boys ugh!

i start walking, my suitcase in hand as i notice my cabin, the honeycomb. i try to push away all my insecurities down as i smile at the door, setting foot officially in the great outdoors.

"ahhh hi, welcome to the honeycomb! i'm gina, it's so great to finally meet you!"

"uh hi, i'm isabel but people around here call me belly"

"belly? what kind of nickname is that?" a girl with red hair asks.

"oh it's um, it's a nickname i was given when i was a baby, yeah, i used to visit this summer house every summer, except for this year, and i was given the nickname belly because i was a great swimmer"

"since then, belly has just stuck because i used to be an insane drama queen and always belly flop in the pool and i guess it just..."

"stuck?" nini asks as i nod at her.

"yeah, something like that!"

"well, welcome roomie, pick a bed, just be careful when you sleep because i knocked my two front teeth out on that bulletin board, ahh the memories!"

"uh, is maddox ok?"

"she never is, so, isabel or should i say belly, are you into musical theatre by any chance?" a girl with dark hair that looks so fluffy to touch, i wonder what hair products she uses!

"uh yeah, you could say that"

"ok, fave musical then? me and ash have been going back and forth about what the musical could be!"

"uh i don't know, grease maybe? me and my friend used to always sing summer nights at the top of our lungs!" i tell them.

god, i miss jere!

"cool, my favourite musical is six but i haven't been able to watch it live ughh!" nini states sitting closer to me.

"i like beauty and the beast!"

"that's baised because you played belle!"

"gigi, let me have my main character moment for once!"

"ok, calm down! i'm just going to see if val has any idea about what musical we are doing!" nini said leaving us girls to bond in the cabin.

so turns out that the girls in here are gina, maddox, nini, me and kourtney but apparently, someone is joining last minute! i wonder...

nini's pov:

i'm happy! the girls in my cabin seem amazing and i could not be happier...

you have got to be kidding me!

he's here, standing there in front of me with a look of disappointment written on his face.

if anyone should be disappointed, it's me, he is ruining my summer plans!

"what on earth are you doing here ricky?"

Ahhh it is indeed a cruel summer Nini, sorry that was cringey nvm! Umm so, I kinda teased the musical in previous chapters but I don't know if you'll get it!

It's kinda funny how you don't know the musical yet, also next chapter will have a handwriting reveal for the castlist so you can see my terrible writing!

Also, a shoutout to moonlightsdior for mentioning that there should be some sort of backstory for Belly. It was a tiny bit of a backstory but we might get a better one soon, aka, she lied to the girls!

Umm yeah, that's pretty much it for now, sorry if this chapter bored you but it will get better soon, I promise ❤

Love y'all

Em <33

the summer things fell apart- hsmtmts x tsitp auWhere stories live. Discover now