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before i start this chapter, just wanted to point out when you should play the song because it'll make sense in a bit! i'll give you a heads up in this chapter but just incase for whatever reason you were confused! ok enjoy <33

kourtney's pov:

"what?!" everyone looks confused and surprised and well i'm... i'm just there!

i don't exactly blame ej, the news was bound to come out at some point but tonight was supposed to be stress free and most importantly, the night of nights but instead, everyone is in a sombre mood, unlike before.

"guys, calm down, we'll figure this out, ok?" val says before everyone starts talking again about what this could mean for camp shallow lake.

i mean, it could mean a number of different things.

1) we will have to change our musical
2) we will have to recast people again
3) this is the worst thing, we could lose other people for this other camp

and that would be worst case scenario!

nini's pov:

everything is super tense right now and i just need air. people are yelling, some are crying. it's a mess!

"hey neens!" conrad says sitting next to me but i really don't want to speak to him right now.

"are you ok? you're ignoring me!"

"look conrad, i don't have to explain myself to you, i really don't-"

"ok then don't explain, just let me talk and then if you want to speak, you can, how does that sound?" i sigh and scoff as i listen to what he has to say for himself.

"what you say tonight wasn't because i don't like you, belly just needed someone to dance with other than her brother and jeremiah so i stepped in, that's all!"

"is it though?"


"look conrad, this fling or thing that we have kinda feels one sided and it's confusing me"

"neens, i don't... i don't know what you want me to say"

"fine, then i guess i have my answer"

"nini, what are you?..."

"tell me the truth, am i confiding you?"

"what?! no!"

"sure cause it seems like you're lying" the boy looks up at me, his mouth opening to say something but stops himself, looking down at his worn out shoes.

"tell me what you're thinking conrad, i need to know the truth!" he sighs reluctantly, his breathing getting quicker but also heavier by the minute.

"ok, truthfully, this whole camp thing doesn't seem like a bad idea and well, you seem as though you need space from me this summer"

"so what are you saying?"

"i think i'm gonna go to that new camp, with belly and uh, my brother and steven" my eyes widen as i look at him with shock.

i can't believe him right now, he's messing with the enemy!

"are you being serious right now?!"

"uh yeah..."

"conrad, i'm sorry but i can't deal with this right now, please just leave with belly, i don't care anymore"

he slowly walks away as tears prickle in my eyes. i thought that this summer was going to be fun, happy, carefree but this summer has brought the opposite of that.

the summer things fell apart- hsmtmts x tsitp auWhere stories live. Discover now