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nini's pov:

here she was, conrad's ex girlfriend, nicole. i didn't even know that he had an ex girlfriend but it makes sense!

yeah, it makes sense...

"hi conrad, oh who's this, i thought you liked belly?"

"uh this is nini, she's just a friend"

oh, uh, a friend? sure, yeah, we are friends!

"oh well, looks like you downgraded, i think belly was better!"

excuse me? who on earth does she think she is? is she lily 2.0?

"heh, well me and belly are friends, we are staying in the same cabin!"

"great... so, she hasn't mentioned to you that she is hard core crushing on conrad and jeremiah but it looks as though she's crushing on that boy over there too!" i look to where she is pointing to and that's when i see them.

ricky and belly having fun, dancing together, sharing jackets, whispering in each other's ears. since when did she like him?

uh, i mean, who in there right mind likes bowen? he's irritating and annoying and...

"so, ninie, do you mind if me and conrad can catch up, i'm sure that you two have been close and it would be better if you could socialise with other people"

"uh yeah, sure! see you later conrad" i tell him as i try to brush off the negative feelings as i watch ricky and belly.

do i feel happy for belly? well, not exactly because ricky literally just broke up with lily but if he doesn't treat her like crap, i guess i'm ok!

"hey nini, you ok?" gina asks as we sit down by the camp fire.

"yeah, yeah, i'm good!"

"rocketman, sing us the camp song?"

"can't we skip it this year?"

"not really, it's a tradition!" maddox says jumping up and down excitedly.

"a tradition that should be ignored" jet states as most people laugh including ricky and belly.

"oh, uh, well, do you guys want to hear a spooky story?"

"they are lame, boring, stupid, all of the above" ricky says, he always has to have the last word.

"uh, i.. nevermind"

"gadget, wait, i'll love to hear your spooky story!" i tell her as everyone groans in frustration.

"really?! ok, well there was once this lady who came into camp shallow lake with her friends, they were young, about our age and they liked to audition for the musical"

"the musical they did was the phantom of the opera, a spooky musical that nobody really wanted to go for so one night, they walked into the woods, they noticed footprints in the mud that didn't belong to them and then..."

"bigfoot turned up, ate them for dinner, the end" jet says, as maddox looks humiliated.

"i.. uh, no, there was a murder scene and the police had to... why are you all laughing at me?"

"because it's funny! maddox, you really need to chill" ashlyn tells her.

what? why are people being so rude?

"you know what? why don't you all shut up, maddox was trying her best and you, yes you, had to go and ruin her one chance of fitting in!" i pointed at everyone who had made her feel worthless.

because let's face it, i have been that position myself...

"nini, chill, it's not the end of the world, we were just joking about" ashlyn says as i stand next to maddox and hold her hand.

"um, can i say something?" maddox whispers making everyone turn to look at her.

"this camp is my home, mainly because i don't feel safe at home and you guys just had to ruin my favourite thing"

everyone looks at her, feeling guilty, but jet, jet doesn't say anything and that's because i know the truth.

they are siblings and they are troubled...

Oop drama! Hi guys, so sorry for not posting the last couple of days! But if you want, I could do a triple update today! That's if you guys are interested!

But Nini really stepped up to help Maddox out! We will find out more about there past, Nini and Ricky's backstory and so much more in the next couple of chapters!

Hope you're loving this story so far!

Love you all

Em <33

the summer things fell apart- hsmtmts x tsitp auWhere stories live. Discover now