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nini's pov:

this party for kourt was going great, it felt as though everyone was getting along and most importantly, having a really good time.

i hadn't had the chance of hanging out with conrad tonight, i really hoped that he would ask me to dance but instead, he dances with belly.

i should have known, the two are friends, they have history but i hope it's not that kind of history.

ricky is looking at me across the room, his eyes focused on me whilst he sips on his drink. i can't tell if he's confused or just being same old ricky but the look in his eyes seems well, protective almost.

he notices belly and conrad dancing in the corner, giggling and laughing, then turns his gaze back to me and it's totally different, it's not a look of hatred, he kind of seems sincere.

but what do i know huh?

"guys, we have some bad news!" ej says grabbing the mic as he looks out of breath.

"my dad has set up another camp and they are doing grease because lily is a mole!"


so much for kourtney's 18th!

Oop drama,and that's your triple update for today. Next chapter will go into the ins and outs of Nini's feelings and we might get a Rini scene next chapter! Sorry that this chapter was short, the next couple will be longer, I promise!

Love you all, thanks for reading!

Em ❤

the summer things fell apart- hsmtmts x tsitp auWhere stories live. Discover now