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val's pov:

well, last night was interesting? yeah, i'm lying to myself, it was a disaster and well, it's obvious that everyone here in rehearsal is on edge.

and because of that, it's getting me on edge so it's a win-win? also lying, sorry!

anyways, i thought that it would be fun for the gang to get other their differences by doing a challenge and well, i didn't watch reruns of pitch perfect for it not to pay off.

"guys, settle down, we get it, you all are anxious, stressed and annoyed but it's not a good working environment to be in soooo.... how about some camp challenges?"

"val, with all due respect, how is that going to work?" ej adds standing close to gina.

"follow me, dewey, has helped me set up teams and well, we are going to riff off!"

"riff off? i'll pass!"

"jet, i'm sorry but there is no passing this one, so, on the yellow team, we have maddox, jet, kourtney, carlos, nicole, taylor, jeremiah, belly and conrad

"on the blue team, we have ricky, ej, gina, nini, ashlyn, taylor, steven, seb, red, cameron, shayla and howie"

"now, there must be no arguments, i'm going to start you guys off and let the best team win!"

nini's pov:

i cannot believe that i'm forced to be in a team with ricky. like seriously, why did me and conrad have to be separated!

val starts singing one of my fave songs from camp rock 2 and i smile as i know our team is going to win, i have a good feeling about this!

we start passing the microphone around like idiots, we have blue or yellow stripes across our faces and blue/yellow tops and shorts and honestly, i have never felt so confident in my entire life.

plus, i can kinda tolerate ricky when he's not yelling at me!

wait, i can tolerate him? no i can't, shut up brain?

the yellow team begin singing and i think a lot of us underestimated jet. he's actually a really good singer but his moody personality ruins it a bit!

this is actually so much fun, i'm giggling and laughing as i'm tripping over people's feet to try and grab the microphone.

"ok guys, that is the end of your riff off challenge!"

"who's the winner?" ricky asks as i stand a bit too close to him.

uh, what am i doing?

"well, jet just blew me away so yellow team are the winners but we might do another riff off challenge soon, right, dewey?"

"oh absolutely, the talent we have here is unbelievable!"

"right guys, go to the shack, i'll meet you there!"

ricky's pov:

"hi, good job out there!" the small brunnette says smiling at me.

well that's a start!

"uh thanks, you too"

"listen, we are the leads, they are counting on us so can we try and just be civil?"

"i guess..."

"great! ok, bye!" i smile as i watch her walk over to conrad to congratulate him and i feel my smile fade.

no, i like belly now! well, kinda, it's complicated!

anyways, let's just see if we can survive rehearsal without anyone trying to kill each other!

Eek tension and Rini seem like they might be coming civil but let me just say it again


Heh, lol, this drama is so much fun! And that's your triple update for today! Hope you all enjoyed and it made up for my absence with not posting for a few days!

I love you all so so much

Em 💖

the summer things fell apart- hsmtmts x tsitp auWhere stories live. Discover now