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t/w: just talks a little bit about suicide, if you are affected by anything that you have read, feel free to drop my a dm! you are not alone in whatever you are dealing with 🤍🤍

nini's pov:

"i, uh, what did you just say?" i ask as i feel myself being pulled up onto the stage to stand next to ricky, who is staring at me with confusion in his eyes.

"nini, you're sandy from now on, so, you two need to rehearse the scene where sandy and danny say goodbye on the beach" val tells me.

hold up, does she mean the-

oh god no-

absolutely not.

"uh val, i'm sorry but i don't remember that scene in the movie?" i lie, trying to cover up the fact that i really don't want to do this right now.

"it's literally the first scene in the movie!"

"yeah but um, does that mean that we have to you know..."

"nini, just stop asking questions, you got the lead, move on!" ricky states.

"ok, you two, rehearse it, i'll be back in one minute, i need to rehearse there are worst things i can do scene with gina!"

i notice conrad leave, meaning that it's just me and ricky alone.


"ricky, why are you here? i thought you hated musicals?"

"i do, well i used to, before lily"

"cut the crap, don't act like we didn't watch high school musical together when we were nine"

"yeah, and i hated it!"

"no you didn't, you were happy back then, what happened to you?"

ricky's pov:

"i grew up, now please will you just stop asking questions and get on with this stupid scene!"

"i... you are a jerk!"

"says the girl who calls me out for being like my parents but guess what nina, you don't even have any!" as soon as i say that, i realise that i have said too much.

"what did you just say?" nini asks me, her voice breaking slightly.

"those parents aren't even real, you're adopted"

"do you ever shut up? all i wanted was to enjoy my summer plans, have a summer free of you and to finally get what i wanted but you know what, instead i get the total opposite, you come here, bring up my parents, and ruin my chances of believing that i actually deserve something in my life" she tells me.

"well look nini, i'm sorry if i ruined your summer plans but the world doesn't revolve around you!"

"i hate you, i can't believe that i ever gave you a chance of being a friend because you used me"

"used you? you used me!"

"ricky, nini, how is the scene coming along!"




"uh ok, well, you guys need to put your drama aside, it's for the good of the musical!"

"sorry val, it won't happen again" the brunnette tells her.

i give her a glare, it's going to be an interesting summer, that's for sure!

conrad's pov:

i sit down where the kayaks are and feel a presence next to me. it's hit me this summer that me and belly haven't exactly talked since i have arrived so i'm hoping that we get the chance to!


"belly, hey"

"sorry to disapoint, it's nini!" the girl says sitting down next to me.

"what you doing?"

"just thinking, i like to think about things"

"hmm, it seems therapeutic, mind you, i might need therapy after that rehearsal with bowen!"

"was it really that bad?"

"terrible, i'm surprised i didn't throw a chair to his head" nini tells me in a serious tone before giggling.

"god, it's kinda stupid, i just can't stand him, you know!"

"mhm, let's just not talk about him ok?"

"ok, ooh, can i have a puff?"

"nini, this thing will kill you"

"so why do you smoke it then?"

"because of my mom" she gives me a serious look, a sad look but i don't want anyone to feel pity.

"i'm sorry, i didn't know..."

"it's alright, my mom does it too, i think that why she has gotten ill for a second time"

"i guess, if she's going to sink to the bottom of the ocean, i want to sink too"

"conrad, i don't know what to say but your mom would want you to live, she would want you to be happy!"

"well i'm not, the sad truth is that she's never going to get better so how do you expect me to be happy?" i sigh as i feel her rest her head on my shoulder.

"i just know that she would want you to live for her, just try, for me!"

"i don't know if i can"

"conrad, look at me, you are strong and you can deal with a lot more than you think, your mom is proud of you but promise me, you'll stop with the smoking, deal?"

"deal, but didn't you want to try it?"

"meh, it's not my thing, i just wanted to try and convince you to put it down!"

"you got me there!"

"what can i say? i like helping people!"

the two of us sat in silence for a few minutes. this summer isn't exactly what i planned or hoped for but nini's here and that's ok.

maybe it's about time that i let other people in...

Drama! It's one of my fave things! So Ricky and Nini hit well, rock bottom! The two definitely hate each other but Conrad and Belly seem to be getting closer!

Also, thank you so much for 200 followers! It means the world and I am celebrating by listening to 1D and writing books, new ones too, that I think you'll enjoy!

Other than that, I think that's it from me!

Hope you have a great rest of your day/night

Love you all

Em 🤍

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