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ricky's pov:

i got the lead role? huh, what?

i auditioned as a joke, lily asked me to audition because she didn't want me to end up being with a boy she didn't like so i agreed, although i know nothing about grease!

nini, however, stood by the cast list next to conrad, i think? and let me tell you, if looks could kill, i'd definitely be six feet under.

lily however got the lead and i couldn't be prouder of her! looks like i'll be working with her for the next six weeks!

yay, how fun does that sound?

"rickyboo, thanks for supporting me!" lily tells me.

uh, is it just me, or is that weird?

"uh no problem lily!"

"how many times have i told you to call me princess!"

"you definitely aren't a princess, you kinda look like a witch!" nini states making everyone laugh except for me and lily.

"very funny understudy, no wonder you didn't get the lead, you just aren't talented enough!"

"excuse me?"

i kind of wish that i wasn't in this environment right now!

"ok, sandy, danny, i want you to stand centre stage, nini, conrad, if you don't mind just staying seated, we want you guys to take note of what they are doing!" val says cutting the girls off.

"lily, just ignore her, ok, i know that she is staring at you but she isn't worth your time!"

"ricky, i know, just let me do my thing!"

ok then...

nini's pov:

"she's a bitch right? i mean, look at her, she can't sing or dance, am i really not talented?"

"nini breathe, you are talented, stop letting lily's words eat you up inside!"


"no buts, just relax!"

"how can i relax if she is in the room?"

"look at me, you are talented"

"yeah but i'm just an understudy, it's been my dream since i was a little kid to be the lead in something"

"ughh, can you stop stepping on my toes!" lily yelled at ricky.

"sorry, sorry, i'm just not good at this musical thing!"

"then why did you bother auditioning?"

"i did it, for you?"

"no, you did it for yourself, everyone here is stupid, dumb, talentless and most importantly, this musical would be nothing without me!"

"what did you just say?" val asks.

oof, drama! see what i did there? no, nevermind!

"you heard me, this show would be nothing without me!"

"actually, your presence isn't needed here, we don't need toxicity in our drama department so get the hell out of here!" val tells her pointing at the door.


"oh you heard me, get out!" val said handing her bag over to her.

"i... ugh, whatever, don't come crawling back to me!"

"we won't need to, nini, you're sandy!"

i uh, what?

Hi guys, sorry if this chapter was painfully short but Val went off! I hope you all are doing ok!

Next chapter is interesting for one reason and one reason alone, we get to see Ricky and Nini together on stage!

Let's hope there is no drama, jk, there's about to be a ton of drama!

Also, what did you guys think of Smoke Slow? I love the song and the mv is amazing but the bridge makes me evaporate to another planet, it's so good!

I love each and everyone one of you, thanks for reading!

Em <33

the summer things fell apart- hsmtmts x tsitp auWhere stories live. Discover now