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kourtney's pov:

being 18 and going to camp wasn't exactly what i was picturing when i was younger but now, here i am, dancing with my best friends as balloons and streamers are all over the floor.

recently, i keep catching the attention of jet, i still don't really understand why. all i know is that maybe he likes me, or maybe i like him? i don't know, it's just weird!

but who knows, maybe i might pluck up the courage and ask if we should hang out but i very much doubt it because i have this tiny thing called anxiety and it loves ruining everything!

"hey kourt, you ok?" gina asks me waving a hand in front of my face.

"yeah, yeah, i'm good, just contemplating talking to people i guess"

"let me guess, you like jet?"

"what, pft, no!"

"that sounds a lot like you like him"

"ok, fine, maybe i do, you happy now?"



"look kourt, it's not going to kill you to talk to him, maybe just drop him a message or something?"

"absolutely frigging not"

"ok well, maybe we could talk to him together?"

"but you'll be a third wheel!"

"it's ok, i don't mind third wheeling!"

says no one ever!

"ok, fine, let's go talk to him then!"

jet's pov:

"uh hi jet!" i turn around looking at no other than the birthday girl.

"hi kourt, happy birthday by the way!"

"thank you, so, uh..." the girl looks at gina who holds her hand whilst she's talking.

"i was wondering if you wanted to hang out outside of rehearsal?"

"yeah, sure, but is it a date?"

"uh, not, not really"

"ok then i'm down!"

kourtney's pov:

that didn't go the way i was hoping but nonetheless, we are hanging out!

Short chapter ik but I ship Kourtney and Jet, no offence to Howie but he just seems super sketchy!

Oh and in other news, I posted my first collab book with Zazathepsycho so pls go and read it!

Love you all

Em 💖

the summer things fell apart- hsmtmts x tsitp auWhere stories live. Discover now