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nini's pov:

everyone in camp ranch is staring at us like we have two heads and to be completely honest, it kinda feels like i do!

i mean, this was a horrible idea, i don't know what i was thinking. i decided to suggest the idea of spying on them and now, we're in this situation that i would much rather get out of.

"well, well, well, look what we have here"

"shut it conrad"

"you're one to talk jere, you're hanging out with the enemy"

"the enemy? please, you were interested with nini all summer and now, you are referring to her as being the enemy?" ricky comes up behind me, standing in front of me in a protective but not too protective manner.

"and you were interested in belly so what on earth are you on about?"

"look, if you talk crap about her in anyway, you're dead"

"ricky, stop, he's not worth it" his eyes soften as he looks at me, his fists that were once tight in his hand now loosening.

"wow, glad to see that you two are on good terms" ej smiles at the two, gina looking furious as she stares at him.

"yeah... good for them, at least ricky treats her right" my mouth widens, then shuts.

no? this is wrong, me and ricky are just good friends? umm, yeah...

"what? gina, i..."

"i don't want to here it right now ej, you treat me like crap, i deserve so much better than you" gina smiles looking at jere in a weird way.

"ew no? why my brother?"

"why not? if gina is happy, she's happy, let her live" i smile at ricky who is defending everyone here.

"no offence ricky but nini told me so many bad things about you" i look in his eyes.

his eyes seem full of pain and in that moment, i know i have to defend him, just like he defended me a few minutes ago.

"look conrad, i'm not here to cause any drama, if you're jealous because i am spending time with someone who actually respects me, then you're loss because unless you change your attitude, you'll continue to hurt others..." i begin to say as i here a familiar voice.

dewey wood is here... oh boy!

dewey's pov:

"what is going on here?" i yell at all the shallow lake campers.

"dewey, we can...."

"save it gadget, you guys are going to be punished for trespassing"

"you will sleep outside tonight in the great outdoors, make sure your tents are sturdy, there is meant to be a huge storm later tonight"

Uh oh... the campers are in trouble. How are they going to cope sleeping in the great outdoors?? Let me tell you, next chapter will contain a huge surprise hehe and you'll love it!

Love you all

Em 💖

the summer things fell apart- hsmtmts x tsitp auWhere stories live. Discover now