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Most of this story will be from Grazi's pov
This event takes place around a month after the rumble
TW: (some what) swearing

I was laying in my bed staring at the sealing.

This was what I had been doing the past month. Wake up, stare, eat, stare, eat again, stare, go to bed, and repeat.

It was some what pathetic, I want to talk to someone, I need to, if I don't I'll go insane if I haven't already.

But who? If only I had a sister, but since I don't that's of the table.

Velma, she's my best friend, and I know she'll listen, but she still has Mouthpiece, she wouldn't understand.

My parents, dear God no.

They didn't know about Riff, or Tony, or the Jet's. And they could never ever know either, daddy would simply die, and then he'd kill me.

No the best way to go about it would have to be the sealing.

There's a spider in the corner, that's interesting.

Normally a spider would scare me out of the room, but not anym, holy shit it's moving closer.

That's it I'm out.

"Gracie, darling" mommy says entering the room as I'm leaving.

"Oh, you're up" she seems pleasantly surprised.

"Yes", nice one Grazi, not at all suspicious.

She doesn't seem to be the slightest bit convinced, but I can't tell her that I'm just running from a spider.

"I'm going to meet Velma", that's more like it, maybe talking to Velma is infact what will make me feel better.

"That's great dear, it seemed like you haven't left the house in weeks", that's cause I haven't.

Whit an awkward nod I start making my way to the front door.

"Be home to dinner then Grace".

Grace, I didn't like the name, not any more that is.

It's so blank, no fun, that's why I 'changed' it when I started hanging out with the jet's.

Graziella, my parents will never get to know her. The girl that hangs whit the infamous jet's, a gang in New York. And has dated two of them, had daddy found out I had dated someone who's bearly got a dollar to his name. Well I don't anymore so.

Grace was their perfect little doll. Sweet inecent little doll. But Grazi is me, Grace is just the character I play for all the rich folk's.

I know the first chapter is really short, I'm sorry. But they will get longer, and better..... At least that's what I keep telling my self.

I do make most of Grazi's background up, I can't find to much cannon about her (that wasn't in the movie's) but I hope you don't mind😁 and that you enjoy.

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