Crying. I can hear crying

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Velma's pov
TW: birth

I help Grazi out of the car.

Balkan runs out of doc's to help her inside.

"Thank you" I say nodding to Krupke.

"Don't let the little on be as much of a trouble maker as it's father" He replies and rolls his window back up.

I run in, some of the others have already gotten there.

"Get her downstairs, rápido!" Valentina tells Balkan, and he carries her down.

Tessie and Dot come running behind them with water and towels.

"Wait!" Grazi yells.

"Velma, can you come with me?" She asks, tears are flowing down her face.

"Of course" Is all I can answer, as I rush to get to her.

Valentina points to a bed.

"Set her down over there" she tells Balkan.

He obeys and gently lay her down.

"Now get out" Dot tells him.

He puts his hands up in surrender, and walk up the stairs, closing the door behind him.

"Looks like you are ready to start" Valentina says in a calm voice.

I neal down next to her, and take her hand in between mine.

"And push"

Ice's pov

I walk into doc's, and I'm met by a scream that would make nails on a chalkboard seam like the sweetest melody.

"Is she okay?" Mamie, that came in right behind me, asks.

Everyone was sitting around at doc's, looking over at the door.

Dot sticks her head out the door.

"We can see the head now"

"How is she doing?" Number asks, before anyone else has time to.

"She's doing great" Dot anwsers, right before a new scream hits.

Then she closes the door, and walks back down.

Velma's pov

"You're doing so well estimada" Valentina says, as Dot comes back down.

Dot and Tessie took turns being Valentina's assistant, and holding Grazi's other hand.

Grazi's squeezing my hand so hard, it was starting to hurt, but I just think of it as me taking some of her pain.

Dot lats a wet towel on her forehead, while me and Tessie comforts her.

"Ice is upstairs" Dot informs Grazi.

Grazi's pov

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