W-welcome home

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Velma's pov
TW: I don't even know any more, give me a heads up if there are any

I just stand there like a dear in headlights. Staring at my parents.

They're looking at me in shock.

It looks like their still trying to process everything that just happened.

It's getting pretty chilly, and that's when I realise I removed my top earlier, and am just standing in shorts and a bra.

"W-welcome home" I mutter, and cross my arms in an attempt to cover up.

Literally where is my top?

"Welcome home? We come home to a rat race and our home has been trashed, and the only thing you can say is, Welcome home?" My father bursts.

I innocently nod and give him a smile.

"Who where all these people?" My mother asks, looking over the was that's been made.

"Just some friends" I don't move a muscle. Maybe I hope they won't realize that I'm not wearing a shirt.

"Like who?"

"Graz- Grace, Karen, Tessie" I'm still trying to look as innocent as possible.

My father motions for me to come closer to them.

I slowly walk towards them.

He points to the couch, and I sit down.

I see my shirt laying next to me at the corner of my eye. I reach over to grab it.

"I thought we could trust you, Velma" He says, not looking my in the eyes.

"You can. I just wanted to have fun with my friends. It was harmless, really" I try to convince them.

Just as I say that, the chandelier comes crashing down, and shatters on the floor.

"It was just a gathering" Once again I put on my most innocent smile.

My mother covers her mouth to hide a laugh, at my horrible attempt at lying.

"And who where all the boys who where here?" Father starts getting red.

I sit and debate wether I should play dumb or tell the truth.

"What boys?" And dumb it is.

He looks like he is about to explode. Mother on the other hand, looks like she's about to burst out laughing.

"I don't know, what about the boy you where kissing?" His voice is shaking in anger.

"That...that was just...Grace" Well played Velms, well played.

That threw him completely of edge, and he's struggling to figure out what to say next.

"Velma, darling, we are very disappointed in you. We have always been able to trust you, so we do not appreciate you pulling a stunt like this" mother says, once she's pulled herself together.

"I'm sorry" I say as apologeticly as I'm able to.

"It's fine darling" she assures me an stroke my lightly over the head.

"No. No, it's not. Take a look around Anna beth, the house is trashed. The people that did it where probably those jots" Father exclaimes.

"Jets" I correct him.

He glares at me. Then he lifts his han and points to the stairs.

"Go to your room!"

I stand up and start walking.

As I'm walking up the stairs, I can hear, them discussing what's to come next.

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