My belly my choice

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Grazi's pov
TW: swearing

"Do you think you'll miss them?" Velma pats my head like a puppy.

"I don't know" I answer.

"Well there's no turning back now so I may as well get on with my life"

"I just want you to know, that what ever happens, I'll always be here. And I'll be a great aunt to your little one" Velma leans down to my baby bump and starts talking to it. "So just remember, when mommy's being stupid you come running for shelter at aunt Velma's"

"That may just be the weirdest fucking thing I've ever seen" Mouthpiece just entered the room alongside Ice.

Velma quickly gets up to greet him. She gives him a quick kiss, and turns her head in Grazi's direction.

"Uncle Mouthpiece may be a dummy, but auntie Velma can assure you at the end of the day, you'll love him" She assures the belly.

Ice sits down next to me and asks, "Have you been thinking about any names for the belly?"

"Infact I have"

"You haven't told me! What is it?!" Velma entusiasticly asks, and runs over to me.

"If it's a girl, Odette"

"Odette...?" Mouthpiece questions my decision.

"Yes! Like in swan lake"

"You're naming your baby after a swan?" Ice looks just as confused as Mouthpiece.

"Shut up, I think it's beautiful Grazie" Velma shoot's in.

"Thanks Velms! If it's a boy" I pause, "Tony" 

There is an awkward silence filling the room.

"You're naming your baby after your ex boyfriend that you kind of, sort of cheated on with the baby daddy of your child?" Ice asks putting it in the worst way possible.

"First of all, I did not!" I say smaking Ice's arm.

"Second, Riff once told me that if he ever had a son he'd name him Tony"

"That is so sweet" My best friend encourage.

Ice and Mouthpiece share a confused look.

"Weird picks but what ever" Mouthpiece says.

I lift my finger and point at him threatening.

"My belly, my choice!"

I thought the chapter was kinda sweet. Also I just love swan lake and thought Graziella would be the kind of girl to love ballet, so there's that.

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