Homie hopper

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Grazi's pov
TW: mentioning of s3x, swearing, threatening of strangeling

I fucked up.

At least I think I did. How could I know this would happen?Well you probably already guess it, I, Graziella, am pregnant.

How did I find out, through an event of embarrassing events:

- I puked, and hadn't he reacted as quickly as he did, I would have puked all over Ice.

- Mouthpiece asked me if I had gained weight (rude).

- I had to talk about me and Riff's s3x life. Infront of his boys, NOT FUN!

- Ice and Mouthpiece found a frog, because Velma had heard that if you inject a frog whit a pregnant lady's pee, it would lay eggs.


A/N: I did do research on how to check if you where pregnant in the 1950's, and injecting a frog whit urin was literally what they did.

So now I'm sitting on my bedroom floor crying. Not knowing what to do. Sooner or later my parents will find out, and then they'll figure out I had s3x before marriage.

If that isn't to much for them to take in, I can't just marry the man that got my pregnant. Cause he got stabbed in a fight between the gang he was the leader for, and another gang. Oh boy, I'm skewed.

Or wait! Am I?

I run out as fast as I can, but as soon as I'm out the door, I walk, I might be in a hurry, but I'm still a proper lady.

*Skipping the walk*

"Will you marry me?"

Ice stands in front of me clearly confused. Anybodys next to him, almost just as confused, if not more. "The fuck Graziella?" I'm a bit offended by the disgust in his voice.

"I see now maybe 'hi' would be better to start whit but hear me out," I take a pause for a dramatic effect.

Ice looks at Anybodys than back to me and gesture me to go on.

"You see, if my parents find out about this they're gone freak out. So I came up whit a solution, if we get married we'll just say the baby is yours, you and Riff do look fairly similar, so if it looks like him, it'll look like you, sort of. It's an idiot prof plan!"

"Homie hopper" Anybodys cough, witch causes Ice to laugh.

"Oh you little" I'm about to strangel him when Ice pull me back.

"Grazi, erh, it's a great idea, but I don't really want to marry you" he says holding on hand on each of my shoulders.

And out of nothing, I start to cry.

"Hey, hey, it's not you, you're great. But he's right, you've dated two of my best friends, and it would honestly just be weird"

"So you're not gonna do anything anymore just because Tony and Riff used to do it?" I manage to get out between sobs.

He doesn't answer.

"You'll find a solution to it sooner or later, and we will help you through the whole thing" Anybodys lays his hand on my shoulder.

One last peice of you (Graziella Wss)Where stories live. Discover now