When you're a jet

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Ice's pov

Velma's parents where home from a business trip and where going to stay home for a week or something.

How do I know this?

Because when she found out, Grazi fled the house and came to stay here for some time.

I didn't really have a say in it.

I wasn't home when she decided this.

I just came home yesterday and got the message: "I hope you don't mind that I take the bed, but there is no way I'm sleeping on that couch"

"Am I like really showing?" At this very moment she's wearing an oversized T-shirt looking through the kitchen area for something to eat for the fifth time in an hour.

"Yes, and for the last time, there ain't no food here, so you don't have to sheck again and again"

I like Graziella, she's a great girl and we're good friends, but man that lady can get on my nerves.

"Rude, you don't have to be honest"

"You. Asked. Me. What did you want me to say? 'oh no, you look wonderful I can't see any difference'?"

"Yea that could be nice to hear"

"Well how far along are you?"

"About four and a half months"

"Well then obviously you're gonna show"

She slams a cabinet shut and walks over to the couch, and sits down.

I stay where I am leaning against the wall close to the door.

"Who are you waiting on?" Grazi asks me studyin her nails.

"No one" I shrug.

She looks up at me in disbelief.

"No one huh? Well it look like you are waiting for someone to knock on that door"

"Well I'm not, just, standing"

She leans back and look back down at her nails.

"Well it seems like you're the only jet that isolates himself from the others, so who would you be waiting on anyways"

"I'm not isolating myself"

My voice sounded so defensive that it totally reveled me.

"Oh yeah, then my do I never see you whit any of them anymore? Only time you seem to actually talk to any of them are when I'm whit you. And when I've talked to some of them, many say they haven't seen anything of you since the night of the rumble"

I knew what she was trying to do.

She wanted me to go back and lead the jet's.

"I've already told you, I'm done. The jet's, done"

"You guys where like family Ice. So maybe all the fighting and harassment is done. But that doesn't mean that you have to be done whit them"

She reached out her arms as a sign that she needed help up.

When she's on her feet she looks me deep in the eyes.

"When you're a jet you're a jet all the way, from your first cigarette till your las dying day. Remember that Ice"

I can't help but smile a little.

"You can go back to the door to not wait for anyone, or anybody"

She walks over to the bathroom whit a smug look on her face.

Damn it.

One last peice of you (Graziella Wss)Where stories live. Discover now