'Thank you' 'For what?' 'Everything'

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Grazi's pov

I'm pacing back and forth in front of Ice who's sitting on the couch in his apartment.

"Do you think she'll be okay?"

"She'll be fine"

"What do you think they'll do to her?"

"They won't do anything to her"

"What if she's never allowed out again?"

"Then I'll help you bust 'er outa there"

"Ice!" I snap

"This. Is. Serious. Why are you not panicking? Are you not worried?"

"Grazi. She'll be fine. What's the worst that could happen? She'll get grounded?"

"Can they do that?!" I panic.

"She's 19, can they still legally ground her?!"

Ice starts to laugh at my out burst.


He stands up and walks over to me.

I stop in my tracks and look at him as he places one hand on each of my shoulders.

"Grazi. Breath. Velma will be okay. She has her parents wrapped around her finger, they'll let her go"

I close my eyes and breathe.

It actually helped me calm down a little, but hearing him say that, helped even more.

I open my eyes, and mine meets his.

I slowly nod, but my eyes never leave his.

"Your right" I say quietly.

"I usually am" he replies, with a soft chuckle.

What the hell is going on?

I don't know how long we've been standing like this, looking into each other's eyes.

But I don't want it to end oddly enough.

"Thank you" I whisper to him.

I don't know why I'm whispering, but it just felt right.

"For what?"

I pause for a little while.


He smiles at me, but then he looks away.

He still has his hands on my shoulders.

I have no idea why, but I place two fingers under his chin, and move his head, so that he looks at me again.

I don't know what the fuck I'm doing, or why I'm doing it, but I think I'm right in doing so.

I smile at him and place my arms around his neck.

He takes his hands of my shoulders, and let's them slide down to my waist.

I feel myself starting to lean in towards him, and he does the same.

Then there's a knock on the door.

We both instantly turn our heads to look over at the door.

Ice let's go of my waist, and walks over to the door.

He openes the door, and there is possibly the worst person who it could have been right now.

"Karen?" He says confused.

Idk if people wanted this storyline or not, I'll write it because this is my story, and I wanna write this storyline.

One last peice of you (Graziella Wss)Where stories live. Discover now